Chapter 4

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Louis giggled, looking at Harry prance around with his younger sisters.

Harry was a ridiculous dancer, really.

"Daisy, Phoebe, time for lunch." Louis said, replacing his smile with a neutral expression, because he couldn't let Harry know Louis was fond him, of him with his sisters.


"No but 's , let's go." Louis said, turning around.

"Can Harry come too?" Daisy asked, taking Harry's hand in hers and bouncing in her place.

Louis turned around, eyebrows raised.

"Father isn't home yet, I've cooked the meal..." Louis said, grimacing.

"Is it your pasta?!" Phoebe asked.

"That's the only decent thing I make so , yes."

"Can Harry come too? Please ?"

"I don't mind, ask him." Louis said, shrugging, looking at the prince. Hoping he'd say no, because just no. Louis didn't want him around. Because he knew the inevitable will happen, the more he was around Harry. He was fond of him as it, he didn't want to end up catching feelings for him.

Harry stood there , watching Louis the whole while.

"Harry will you?" Daisy asked, giving him the best puppy dog eyes.

And how could Harry say no to that?

"Of course." Harry said, smiling.

Louis groaned, literally.

Harry just rolled his eyes and walked behind the Tomlinson's to have lunch with them.


"Lottie! Come down already!" Louis shouted, keeping the plates on the table in their room.

He placed an extra between Daisy and Phoebe's for Harry because well they got him here anyway.

"I'm coming jeez—oh good afternoon Prince Harry." Lottie said, blushing brightly.

Louis just rolled his eyes. He's gay woman!

"Afternoon." Harry said, smiling. Dimples and all.

Really, Prince Harry being gay wasn't some news. Everyone in the kingdom knew, hearts were broken on that cruel day. But Louis felt happy, for once, he felt less of like a freak no matter what his parents said.

He was jealous of Harry in that particular matter. He was jealous because Harry got to embrace himself and got support. All Louis got was confinement in his room until he 'wasn't gay' which , really, didn't work.
His parents never looked at him the same way. But they are still holding onto the fact that he isn't in fact gay, they even decided the girl he's supposed to marry and well his life sucks. But what could he do?

"I call dibs for the centre!" Phoebe said, sitting where Harry was supposed to , with Daisy next to her.

Louis glared at the only seat left  which was next to Harry. Lucky him! The universe was against him really.

He sat down with a sigh, receiving a smile from Harry, which he didn't bother returning and they prayed and dug into their food.

"How good is it Harry?" Daisy said, chewing her food.

Harry nodded his head, tasting the food and Louis sat there , holding his breath. Wait what? Why did he care if Harry liked his food or not! He did not.

"It's really nice." Harry said.

Louis let out the breath he was holding.He hated himself, really.

"Harry what's a three humped Camel called?" Daisy said, giggling behind her tiny hands.

Harry frowned, thinking, his eyebrows furrowed, actually looking for an answer. Louis tried to fight the smile forming on his lips. Don't smile, don't. He's not cute. Absolutely not.

"I don't know?" Harry said.

"Pregnant!" Phoebe shouted loudly.

Harry clapped a hand on his mouth and laughed loudly , apparently finding the joke really funny. Which, okay, wasn't.

Daisy and Phoebe giggled with him and the Lottie and Fizzy just shook their heads.

Louis smiled fondly, looking at Harry.

He was fucked. Royally.

Pun intended HEHAHHAHA.

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