Chapter 13

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"If anything, God forbid, goes wrong Eleanor, please go and inform Harry immediately and tell him to not take any irrational step. Got it?" Louis asked, stuffing the last piece of clothing in his bag.

"Nothing will go wrong Lou, nobody expects it, nobody knows. It's going to go smoothly." Eleanor said, placing a reassuring hand on Louis' shoulders.

Louis sighs, "I know, but I tend to fuck up most of the things so..."

Eleanor took a hold of his shoulders making him look a her, "you're going to go and get Harry okay? Nobody can stop you tonight. It's all going to be fine. Got it?"

"Yeah." Louis said, pulling Eleanor in for a hug.

They failed to notice the girl peeking through the door.


Louis took in a deep breath, I can do this he told himself.

I just have to climb out the window, cross the lawn and I'll be on my way to Harry. That's all. Nothing is going to go wrong. And with that last thought, he climbed out of his window.

He held onto the pipe as he climbed down, his heart beating fast, blood rushing to his ears and he was filled with so much adrenaline that he didn't even notice the cut on his arm.

He was going to be with Harry.

That's all he could think about.

Once his feet were on the ground, he hoisted the bag on his back higher, a smile on his face.

He looked up at the stars who had witnessed it all. He grinned up at them, thinking about the time on the roof. The place Harry only showed him.

With his heart squeezing in his chest with warmth he took a step forward, making his way across the lawn.

He walked in the shadows, making sure no light fell upon him. He was wearing all black, so he could blend in.

His heart pounded faster as he neared the exist, he was so close.

"Where do you think you are going?" He heard his father from behind.




This wasn't happening, not now when he was so close. He closed his eyes, tears which  he didn't know had formed, slipping down his cheeks.

God hated him. The world hated him.

Run. His mind told him. Run.

So he did.

But he didn't know his father was  close and he caught Louis' wrist. Louis wriggled in his grip because he was going to get out of here and he was going to go to Harry.

"Stop it Louis!" His father said, yanking him backwards.

Louis let out a sob.

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