Chapter 2

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Rochelles P.O.V

I was just chilling in my room listening to Linkin Park, Reanimation. That tecno shit is my life. Kat bursts into my room tears pouring down her cheeks from her black eye. "What happened?" I asked her. "Those stupid jocks beat me up!", she shouts angrily. A wave of guilt drowns me. "I'm so sorry", I finally manage to choke up. "I thought we were BFF's, Best fucking friends?". "I said i'm sorry, why the fuck did you say that to them, you know what theyr'e like." "We're done", Kat hisses and storms out slamming the door which attracts my mother up. I hear footsteps trekking up the stairs. I quickly lock my door and ignore her trying to comfort me. Instead I shove some earphones in my laptop, put in a Jackass DVD and grab some chocolate from my mini fridge and try to enjoy my nught whoch would have been awsome if I wasn't so fucking deppressed.

Kat's P.O.V

I ran back to my house in the pouring rain. Even though I was only at Rochelles house for five minutes it felt like five fucking hours. When I went inside my mom was on the phone. "Dave..... No you CANNOT meet her! Why? You're asking me why you can't see her?! You fucking walked out on us when the twins were only two months old and now you want to come back? No fucking way, in your sad dreams Dave!" she screamed into the phone. I just stood there speachless, what the actual fuck?

Rochelle's P.O.V.

I walk down the school corridoors, draeding ceebrating my birthday alone.I nervously walk past Kat, towards my locker. I opened my locker and a floral, yellow envelope stood out at the corner of my eye. I was curious to know what was inside. I took the envelope, hands shaking, and opened it. I t was a birthday card. It read:

To my BFF (best fucking friends =)

Happy birthday, I know I said some rotten things yesterday. I'M SORRY!=)

Forgive me ?

Hopefully this prezzie will make up for what I've done

Lots of love, Kat xoxoxoxoxo <3

Two pieces of paper fall from the card. Would they be what I think they are? Tickets?


Kat's P.O.V.

I met Rochelle after class. The big hug she gave me was so nice and warm. I took her to the vending machine and got her a Yorkie raisin and nut bar, her favorite. Well at least I tried to get it, it actually got jammed in the machine, so we had to get the janitor to open it up and get it out! After school, me and Rochelle went to the bowling alley. She seemed so happy! The concert is tomorrow and we can't wait.

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