Chapter 13

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Hey guys, holiday was great. Sorry for no update but I was just having so much fun that I kinda forgot. Thanks for being so patient! xxx enjoy!

Franks P.O.V

Kat walked in and slammed the door. I jumped from my seat and walled over to her.

"what happened? who was that man?" I asked with fright.

"Well first of all I don't know the man and second........ ah.... he wanted his ah...... d-daughter. uh... because he was blind and thought I was his daughter until he heard my voice."

"I had a shitfit when I couldn't find you babe. Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"Its on silent." and just when she said that Rochelle came bursting in.

"What the fuck happened to you?" she shouted so Kat explained while walking to their room.

Rochelles P.O.V

So Kat explained that some dude grabbed her and told her that her dad was a phony.

I burst out laughing!

"Seriously, it's true, please don't tell a soul."

That's when I stopped and started believing this shit.

She showed me a gun that 'Chris' gave to her.

"Fuck Kat, you can't shoot your father!"

"I know he's a phony and Chris is real, he showed me his ID."


"Well, I'm gonna shoot him with it tonight, when everyones in bed including him. Then I have to ring Chris and tell him where I am and the cops will come and take him straight to prison."

"What about your real dad."

"Oh I don't know...."


Sorry for the pretty small chapter but I've been really busy.

My phones really shitty also so hopefully I'll be getting a new in 2 months from now coz it will be my birthday.

Shit, I thought my birthday was closer.

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