My bumps showing. I'm leaving back to New York in a few days. So you know the date that me and Lou was to set up well that didn't go good Liam couldn't do it because he had 'other things to do.' I don't know if I should believe him I know hes daddy direction and everything but Alex is his girlfriend. I don't know what I'm gonna do she was so heart broken. Its been a coupke days since that. Alex been acting weird to.
So me and Louis are on our way to get the sex of the baby. Yeah I know but I have a feeling I know what it is. We asked Alex and Liam if they wanted to come but they both said they had different things to do. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm stressing over someone else relationship when I'm preggers. Gosh I need help. When we get there we wait in the waiting room for a few.
They call us we go into the room and the nurse said the docter would be right in. I layed down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. Here we go i'm soon gonna find out the sex of my baby. I felt my hand getting squeezed by Louis. He looked down at me and smiled. I gave him a smile back.
"You okay babe you look nervous." Louis said.
"Yeah its just i've been thinking about Alex and Liam. How there slowly drifting apart." I said looking at Louis. Lou open his mouth to say something but the door open. In came the docter.
"Hello Mr and Mrs Tomlinson hows it going?" The docter asked.
"Good, sir " Louis said shaking hands with the docter.
"So today your having a check up and your gonna find the sex of the baby, right?" The docter said. Me and Louis nodded our heads in agreement. "So lets get started."
He poured the jelly substance on my stomach. He grabbed that tool thing and put it on my stomach. He moved it around. The image of my baby came on the screen.
"So this is the feet and theres the head." The docter said pointing out the things on the screen. "So you ready to find out if its a boy or a girl?" We nodded our head in excitement. He moved the thing and smiled.
"Congradulation you have a baby.....
( Hey,
Just thought i'll make a teaser. Sorry if you hate me. And you guys ain't even reading this but if you are put ummmmm put if you think its a girl or boy and i know the cover okay but i could still change things up and what do you think about the title of this chapter. Okay if you reading this authors note put buttmunch in the comment. Wove you all byyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee.