Day 3 - It's Fate

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Della's POV

It's been 3 days since the outbreak started, I wanted to keep track of the days, so when this was all over I would know how long we've been in the apocalypse, then I would write a book about it. As for now I was really worried about my family. I didn't know if they had gotten out alive or not, I may not ever know, but I won't let that stop me from surviving.

Braelyn was having us go around town and check the houses for supplies. Braelyn got paired with Kat. Casey decided to go alone...of course. I got paired with fucking Ella. I don't know what it is about her but I just can't stand her.

She wasn't as brave as she needed to be either. She held that rifle in her hand but I doubt she'd use it not to mention that if she did it'd make a hell of a noise.

We had gone through 9 houses and 4 garages so far. She got to choose the next house on our assigned block. And she picks a two story house with nice siding, probably thinking it wouldn't be dangerous.

She didn't check around or anything so I was the one stuck with checking for supplies outside, while she went in the house.


I hear a blood curdling scream followed by a gunshot, and immediately take off for into the house. I run in the door only to find Ella standing on a chair, hyperventilating.

"Ella, what the hell?!"

"D-did you see it?! Where'd it go?!"

"Ella, what the fuck are you talking about?!"

"There was a...a mouse!"

"Are you kidding me? You wasted a bullet and made all that noise, for a fucking MOUSE?!"

"I'm sorry, it's just that-"

There was a loud thump coming from upstairs. I am worried that she may have cause too much noise, hell the whole town probably heard that.

"OH, I got it!"

Ella took off running up the stairs, taking two at a time, almost tripping.

"Ella NO, get back down here NOW!"

I know I won't be able to get to her in time but I knew, for the group, that I had to try. I run up the stairs after her. I was halfway up the stairs when I heard another scream from Ella.

I turned the corner and saw Ella struggling under a walker. I went to go run to her when something caught my leg and I face planted into the hard wood floors.

With my nose bleeding and my hands and knees as well, I turned to see what tripped me. I had turned just in time to see another walker jumping at me.

I throw my arms up and they catch its chest, and in return it tried with all its might to attack me. It started clawing at me and snapping it's jaws. I take one of my arms away from its check and reach to the knife in my pocket. I pull the knife put of my pocket and try to hit it. My swing misses the first time, but on my second try the blade plunged through its skull making it fall limp and pin me under it.

I push off the walker and listen for a moment while getting up I hear another scream from Ella. I turn and race down the hall to Ella, who was somehow still struggling under it.

I take my knife and stab the walker in the back of the head. It falls on Ella and the book of the walker spills over her hair.


"Hey, chill out and be quiet!"

She instantly stopped complaining and I helped her push the walker off.

"Let's go get back to the group, we're done with our block."


When we got back to the group, I sat Ella down and got her an ice pack. I yelled for the others to come in the room. They all walked in and sat down, all of them but Casey and Braelyn. They stopped dead in their tracks and stared at Ella.

"What did I do? Why are you guys staring at me like that?"

Casey and Braelyn looked at each other, and then turned back to me.

"Della", Brealyn said, "could you come here please?"

I followed Braelyn out of the living room and into the kitchen. She checked to make sure nobody was listening, then turned towards me and started wispering.

"What happened when you guys went out there?"

I then told her about how Ella was being all hyper and running in like she owned the place, and how she had screamed and shot at the mouse. Then I told her how we heard a noise and Ella went after it. I told her how I tried to help her but was attacked whole she was being attacked. I told her about how I got killed the walker attacking me and the one attacking Ella, and how the blood went in her hair. Finally I told her that I brought her straight back here after that.

"I don't think you should have brought her back here...."

"What? Ella's part of our group though"

"I understand that but you forgot one thing, to check for bites, Della. She was bitten, on the top of her right arm, go look."

"Okay, I will, but what do we do if she changes?"

"She's not going to change, I won't let that happen, we are going to have to kill her."

"What?! Are you insane?!"

"No, I'm smart, this is going to save the group, and I'm sure Ella wouldn't want to be one of the dead"

"Fine, but this was all YOUR idea!"

We both went back into the room and Ella was looking really pale, and the others had tied her to the chair. We started discussing this with the group, when I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Ella had fallen asleep. No not asleep more like...dead.


We all turned to look at her and we all stopped, something was happening...

All of the sudden she lurched in the chair, leaning towards us snapping her jaws, trying to bite us. Her eyes had glazed over, like she was looking at us, but was...spacing.

Casey and Braelyn walked over to her at the same time and ran both their blades through her skull. She stopped struggling and her body went slack.

"Okay guys, we don't want to waste our time burying her but I don't want to leave her like this, put her upstairs in the closet and lock it, but be gentle, and put some flowers in there too."

All in one day I had seen my friend be foolish and die. I don't think I like the apocalypse when it comes to life. But as for the rules, I think those were better off left in the old world.

Hey, don't hate me for killing off Ella.

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