Day 5 - Moving On

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(Braelyn's POV)

I knew we couldn't stay at my house forever, no matter how badly I wanted to. I needed to stop thinking about myself and start thinking about the whole group's needs. I knew we had to move on.

The sun had risen and shone brightly through the window. I went downstairs and got everybody some cereal we had found in a house down the road. After everybody ate, I made them all go sit down in the living room.

"Okay everyone, I think we should get moving. It may be safe here now but who knows what the future holds. I think we should move over to the next town. Go through some houses there, maybe try to find some more food."

They all looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"And if it's too much to ask for these days, maybe we could find a house and maybe try to make do there for a while."

They all stood up and split up, each taking a different room, and we started gathering very needed supplies.

Finally we got all of our supplies and they all walked outside to wait for me. I turned around and walked over to my TV. Next to the TV is where I keep my jewelry. I put on my rings, my necklaces, and bracelets that meant the world to me. I then turned and walked out the door.

We had walked out of town, and halfway to the next town, before the sun started going down.

"Guys we have to find a place to stay before the sun goes down"

They all sighed and started walking to a farm, just up the road.

About ten minutes later we had reached the farm, but the sun had reached the horizon. We didn't have time to check the place but I still wanted to take precautions.

I told the group to stay back and I walked up to the house and was about to knock, when I heard a noise behind me.

I turn around only to find that my group had dissappeared.

"Guys? Guys this isn't funny. Okaaay jokes over come out of hiding. Guys? Where are you-"

I heard another noise from the barn. I walked over to the barn, gripping the blade in my hand. I had reached the door and I turned to peer inside.

There were people in there tieing up my group members, my friends. I knew I had to find a way to save them. I looked up and saw a rope. I could use that to throw into the upstairs window and climb it.

I went to go grab a rope but being who I am, I bumped into a chain on the side of the barn. I heard voices and then footsteps getting closer to me.

I try to stay calm as I run around the side of the barn before they see me.

Get to the rope and I get to the other side of the barn and throw the rope into the window. It falls back down the first time, but a second try catches it on a peice of metal on the window.

I start making my way up the rope, but half way up I hear people run around to my side of the barn.

"Hey! Who the hell do you people think you are, just walking in like you own the fucking place?" The tallest man said.

I start to climb the rope faster.

"Get your ass down here now! This is our land, and your tresspassing!" One of the other guys yelled.

By now the tallest man had enough of my trying to get away, and walked over to the rope.

"If you won't listen I'll make you get your ass down here"

He started violently shaking the rope. I swung back and forth and hit the wall of the barn, until finally he swung me hard enough to where I hit my head on the barn wall.

Dizzy now and weak, I slowly slid down the rope then just let got all together.

The tallest man caught me and carried me into the barn. They had chairs lined up in a row with my friends unconcious. He tied me up to a chair next to Casey and Gareth.

"Well this one's a fighter. I like that in a girl."

I had enough conciousness left to hear and see. I looked up at the man and spit in his face.

He wiped his face off and looked at his hand for a second, before bringing it back and slapping me across the face.

"I like a fighter I do, but not when she acts like a bitch!"

He and his crew had taken all our supplies and piled them in the corner. I knew they weren't smart enough to pat us down though...and I had a blade in my boot.

I was going to have to find us a way out of this, and quick. I figured I'd start with pleading.

"Why are you doing this? Just let us go. We just wanted a place to stay for the night. We are just trying to survive this."

The man came back over to me and pulled up a, much more comfortable looking, chair of his own.

"Well, here's the thing. We want to be the only people to survive. We don't need all you other people getting in our way. When this is all over we are going to rule the world. We, will be the grand champions."

"That's sick, killing people to win a game called life?"

"Fighter, and fast could be useful. You could ditch your little 'group' and join us."

I thought about this for a minute and knew what I could do. Casey is a lot like me if I deny his request, he will ask Casey and being the hero she is she will agree and pretend to be their friend. She will make them bend to her will then, she will kill them.

"I would never trade my life for theirs. I'm not evil, like you"

I spat the words at him. He got up and walked over to a wall covered in tools. He picked up a screw driver. Then walked over to a pile of wood and picked up a small log.

He walked up to me and moved the chair out of his way. He lifted up the screwdriver and stabbed my hand with it.


"That's for denying my generous request."

He dropped the screw driver and tightened his grip on the log. He raised it above his head and stopped.

"This one's for sacrificing your group."

He slammed the log into my head and made the room spin. He slammed the log into my head a second time, and everything went black.

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