Day 4 - Old Friend

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-I know the way he thinks is odd but it's who he is and how he thinks...

(Gareth's POV)

     The power finally went out yesterday, right in the middle of round 16 on Black Ops 2 - zombies. I ended up throwing the controller across the room, then picking it up and apologizing to it for throwing it.

      When I got back from school my dad wes gone, like everybody else in the town, they had evacuated.

     I had just remembered that there were other people in the world too, and I walked out my door to go find my friends. I had a couple of friends I knew would still be in town. But in case of other run ins with bad people or zambies, I grabbed my hood and headed out the door.

      I walked down the empty streets to check Della's house. I stopped on the street, in front of her house. She wouldn't be home she would be smart enough to find a group, and who better to lead that group...than my old friend, Braelyn.

      I started walking to Braelyn's house, it was only a couple of blocks away from Della's, and I figure that's where she'd go...

      I reached her house and it was oddly silent there, compared to when I used to come over and hang with her and her younger sister Alice. Well this is going to be fun. #prepare for jumpscare, lol.

      I walked to the door, should I knock... No that'd be stupid at a time like this...

     I slowly opened the door, only to find a bunch of blades at my throat.

     "Woah, woah, woah, guys it's me!"

     I noticed my old friend Casey, and Della too.

      "Holy shit, I don't believe it" Casey said pushing past Della and a girl I didn't know.

      "Yeah, hey, could you like...not kill me?"

      Della and the other girl lowered their blades. Just as they did that I heard somebody yelling in the other room, their voice getting closer.

      "Guys, what's going o-"

     Braelyn had pushed past them all, only to stop when she noticed me at the door.


      "Hey Braelyn, I got bored and came over to hang" I said winking , then Braelyn, Casey, Della, and I started laughing. The other girl UST sat there looking bored.

      Braelyn must have noticed me looking at her because she quickly introduced us.

      "Oh, I apologize, Gareth this is Kat, Kat, this is Gareth."

      "Sup" Kat said while giving a small wave.

      "Hey Kat" I replied awkwardly, while laughing a little.

     "Well now that we all know each other, why don't you come in Gareth?"

      I considered it for a second, then I accepted and walked through the door, into her small porch then into the dining room.

      Well it looks like I have now fallen into a group.

      Braelyn asked me if I had a weapon and I shook my head. After that she ran upstairs.

      I stood there with Casey while Kat and Della went to sit on the couch and continue their card game.

     Casey moved a little closer to me, making me feel extremely awkward.

     "So, Gareth, how you liking the apocalypse so far?"

      I cleared my throat and took a step back.

      "Um, its okay I guess..."

     She walked forward until she was about a foot from my face.

      "I love it, I get to do...whatever...I...want..." She said while slowly moving closer to me.

      It was then that Braelyn started coming down the stairs, thank God. Casey jumped back and started walking over to the couch, but not before she threw me a wink.

      Braelyn came down, and handed me a blade, it looked like a mix between a knife, a sword, and a dagger.

      "Woah, how the hell did you get this?!"

      "What are you talking about ? You know I prepared for the apocalypse." She said laughing at the second part.

      "Okay then."

     I took the blade from her and looked at it. I finally had a weapon.

I finally had a group.

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