Chapter 34: Finishing His Fight

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Chaos breaks out all too quickly, the electric and shadow beasts proving to be difficult assailants. They don't have the guns like the Kraang or ninjutsu like Foot bots, but their mutant abilities and heightened sizes prove to be enough.

Casey whoops as he smacks hockey pucks at a few of the electricity mutants, the pucks causing sparks to fly from the animals' coats whenever they meet their mark. The felines react as any angered cat would, attacking the teen with all their might.

"You know, if we weren't horribly outnumbered, this would be so epic!" the vigilante shouts.

Leonardo and Donatello go shell to shell, fending off any creatures that come their way. Leo goes for the electric types, while Donnie aims his light cannon at the shadow beasts that get far too close. The blasts of brightness send most of them howling, but they always come back.

Sarina and Destiny take the air-strike team, focusing their attention on the various birds that the Necromancer created for today's battle. Destiny fires her light cannon, finding the birds to be very elusive. Sarina does her best with her own abilities.

Raphael and Michelangelo do a similar team-up to their brothers, both looking far too enthused about the circumstances. Mikey leaps around basking any mutant that gets near him in a beam of concentrated light, while Raph just grins and laughs as he lands punches and jabs on any mutant that comes near him.

"You aren't hitting me again!" he taunts. "Just try it!"

Zilla watches, scanning the battlefield as she searches for the Necromancer's perch. She zips around, her body a blur as she uses her abilities to force objects at the mutants that get too close to her friends. In the back of her mind, she's always looking for her greatest assailant.

As she sends a box of beakers smashing into Pointy, her peripherals catch sight of Casey. He's keeping a rather impressive herd of electric cats at bay, his eyes glinting with excitement beneath his mask. He doesn't notice the bright white eyes of Beast Mode creeping up behind him.

"Casey, behind you!" Zilla shouts.

The boy spares a glance towards his friend, Beast Mode letting out a bone-rattling roar. He spins around, her claws sweeping downwards. Zilla uses all of her might to force the nearest object at the pair, ending up throwing an electric tabby into the larger cat. The two animals yowl with surprise as a puff of both shadow and energy illuminates the spare patches of darkness.

Casey stumbles back, one hand pressed against his chest. Zilla is at his side in a flash, worry evident on her shadowy countenance.

"Did she get you?" she asks.

He lifts his hand, his eyes widening in surprise. His clothing has no visible tearing, no blood. He looks up, his eyes enough to tell her that he's smiling widely beneath that mask of his.

"Nah, I'm all good, Shadow," he says, winking.

She rolls her eyes. "Awesome." She glances over his shoulder. "Watch out, Hockey Puck, the feline fiesta is coming back."

He turns and reengages the mutated cats attacking him. Zilla soars back into the thick of the battle, evading attacks with ease. Shadow Panther and an electric Doberman rush at her, making her smirk. She dodges out of the way at the last second and causes them to crash into one another, reenacting the fighting style she used with the shadow beasts before.

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