I can't sleep

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When my phone went off at two in the morning, I knew immediately who it was. Who else could it be? I didn't hesitate to answer.

"Should I get you a clock for Christmas, Snow?" I asked groggily. But we both knew I wasn't upset.

"I can't sleep."

I sighed and lay back down on my pillow. "Are you playing Angry Birds again?"

"No!" he said, a little too quickly.

I didn't say anything. If I spoke, it would betray the smile in my voice.

"It's hard to... sleep without you," he said, his voice muffled. I could picture him burying his face in his pillow, in shame or embarrassment, and I smiled even more. The only nice thing about being apart was that he couldn't see how ridiculous I got around him.

"I can't leave right now, Snow," I said regretfully. "Fiona took my car, and the buses don't run this late."

"Oh," he said, and I could picture his eyes crinkling in frustration.

"But I can stay on the phone, if you like," I said, almost too eagerly.

"If you don't mind?"

"It... helps me sleep, too," I confessed.

He gave a slow, happy sigh, and I could sense him starting to relax already. "Thanks for always picking up the phone," he whispered. I could hear him start to slip off to sleep.

"Thank you for always calling," I whispered back. I fell asleep listening to his slow, steady breathing.

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