The first bite of a sour cherry scone

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"Are you positive my wing isn't bothering you?"

It was difficult not to be paranoid about my wings—they were so large and ostentatious. They were forever looming behind me, no matter how much I tried to forget them. Baz always assured me that they weren't annoying him, but it was hard to believe him. How could they not be annoying? It changed the way we cuddled, walked, moved about any small space... It was a lot to get used to, even in the nearly half a year I'd had them, and I was constantly worrying that they were in the way.

Normally right about now, he would kiss me and tell me to shut up and start the movie, but this time he just rolled his eyes. "Doesn't matter what I say about it, Snow," he said, and his voice was almost... bored. His hand reached for the remote on the coffee table, but I thought it was reaching for mine, so I pulled it away. He turned to me with raised eyebrows.

"What the hell, Snow?"

Snow. "I don't like it when you talk to me that way," I said, and I could see him struggling not to roll his eyes. "Like we're... enemies again."

In the end, he just growled and ran a hand through his dark hair. "It's just, you've asked that like, a thousand times today."

I stiffened. "If you had giant wings that made you take up three times the body space, you would definitely understand."

"Yes, but, Snow, don't you think I'd tell you if I was uncomfortable?"

I stared at my hands on my lap. "I know. I—I just wanted to be considerate."

"Well you're just being annoying," he muttered.

I stared at him, shocked. I hadn't seen this side of him in a while, but I didn't feel like sticking around for it. Before he could stop me, I was walking to my bedroom, tears in my eyes.

Baz left me alone for a few minutes. I was sitting on my bed reading a Doctor Who fanfic on my phone when the door finally opened. He took his time stepping in and gently shutting the door, and then leaned against the wall. He struggled with this sometimes. Apologizing.

It took him a moment to talk. "Snow."

I ignored him.


I glared at him.

He sighed and sat down before me on the bed. "You're not annoying, and I'm a bloody prick."

"I know."

He rubbed my leg with his palm. I slowly turned my phone off and set it behind me.

"I'm sorry, Simon. Really."

I nodded. I believed him, but there was still an anxious knot in my chest.

He scooched closer to me, and reached for me. I thought he was reaching for my cheek, but he ran his fingers over my wing. I shivered, even though I couldn't feel his touch.

And he said something that surprised me.

"You know I love these, right?"

I stared at him, shocked. "Love... what?"

"Your wings," he said, looking into my eyes. "I love them. I'm the only person in the world dating a boy with wings."

I gave him a small smile. "That's not a good thing, Basil."

"It is to me," he shrugged. "They're a part of you, and I love them as much as I love you."

Those words were like a punch to the gut. In a nice way. Alright, maybe that wasn't the best way to describe the feeling... They were like... the first bite of a sour cherry scone.

"You... love me?"

His eyebrows shot up. "I've loved you for years, Simon."

And suddenly I was grinning uncontrollably. "You love me!"

He groaned, but he was grinning just as much.

"I happen to love you, too, you know," I informed him, and then I kissed him until we were both breathless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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