#60: You Move To Another Country

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Requested by the_cookie_whisperer

A/N: basically i made this into an AU where the boys aren't famous because it made a lot more sense to me to have them living in Australia while you live overseas instead of them touring and being able to visit while they're in the country. Hope that's alright xx


"Do you really have to go?". Luke asked as he played with your fingers as you waited at the airport for your flight to be called. "I'm sorry Luke but this is my dream college. You know how badly I wanted to get in". You said trying to reason with Luke. "I know baby it's just you'll be so far away". Luke said, sadness in his voice. "I'll visit when I can". you said, trying to find the bright side of the situation. 

"Flight 409 to London now boarding". You heard your flight being called over the speaker. "So you're really moving to London aren't you". Luke asked as he hugged you tightly. "I guess I am". You said as you soon regretted applying to a college so far away from your family, friends and of course Luke. 

"I'm so proud of you." Luke said before kissing you. "I love you Luke". You said as tears filled your eyes. "I love you so much". Luke swiped a few tears that managed to escape from your eyes. "Last call for Flight 409 to London". 

"I better go". You said as released yourself from Luke. "Bye Y/N. Have fun for me. I love you". Luke waved goodbye causing you to smile and wave back. "I love you too...Bye Luke". You said as watched your boyfriend of 3 years continue to wave goodbye. You disappeared from Luke's sight and that was the last he saw of you for 4 months.


Michael was home by himself when you knocked on his door in tears. "Y/N baby what's wrong. Did someone hurt you?". Michael panicked as he brought you inside. You hugged Michael tightly, crying into his shoulder. "I have to move Michael". You said not wanting to move away from your boyfriend that you've been dating since you were 14. "You're moving house? I guess I didn't realise how much you loved your house". Michael said confused. 

"I have to move to San Fransisco Michael". You said as you calmed down. "As in the San Fransisco in America". Michael said becoming upset almost instantly. "My dad got this amazing job offer that he can't seem to pass up but we have to move to San Fransisco". You explained to Michael.

"Well when do you move? Maybe I can convince my parents to let you live here". Michael said trying to think of the best way to stop you from moving. "Michael I have to move tomorrow. It was an emergency job offer". You said, getting ready to cry again.

Michael pulled you into a tight hug as he rubbed your back. "I'm going to miss you but we can make this work. We'll Skype everyday, text, call, whatever it takes". Michael said. The next morning Michael took you to the airpot as he watched you board your plane, ready to take the next step in life with your family. 


"It's here! It's here!". You practically yelled in excitement as you held a letter from your dream collage in Rome. "Did you get in?". Calum asked as he was currently over your house after you invited him over to hang out. You screamed in happiness as you hugged Calum. "I got in! I'm going to college".

Your parents ran upstairs after hearing your scream. "Mum, Dad, I got in!". You said handing your parents your acceptance letter. "This is amazing Y/N! I'm so proud". Your mum said as she hugged you. "Lets call the rest of the family and let them know". Your dad said as both your parents disappeared downstairs. 

You noticed that Calum had been extremely quiet this whole time. "Aren't you happy for me?". You asked. "You're gonna move away". Calum said upset. "Please don't do this now". You said, the happy mood instantly disappearing from the room. "I have to go". Calum said, instantly leaving your house.

The next couple of days Calum completely ignored you. It was the day of your flight to Rome and you couldn't be more excited, you just wished Calum was here. You said goodbye to your parents as they called your flight. 

Just as your flight was getting ready to take off Calum ran through the airport. "Where is she?". Calum asked your parents. "Her flight is about to take off". Your mum said with a sympathetic look on her face. Calum walked over to the glass as he watched your flight take off. "Bye Y/N...I love you". He whispered as wished he just got to see you one more time before you left.


"So you're going to be a french girl now". Ashton joked as you both waited for your flight to Paris to be called. Your family had to move the Paris for a year as part of your parents business. "Yeah and now I'll be able to insult you in another language" You said causing Ashton to laugh.

"Don't go running off with a pretty french boy now will you". Ashton said causing you to kiss him. "No pretty french boy could ever replace my perfect Aussie boyfriend". You said reassuring Ashton. "I love you Y/N". Ashton said causing you to smile shyly. "I love you too Ash".

"Flight 245 to Paris now boarding". You gave Ashton a tight hug as they called your flight. "Please don't forget me". Ashton whispered in your ear. "Never". You kissed Ashton cheek as you pulled apart from the hug.

"Y/N let's go". You heard your mum say. "Coming". You called out to her. You gave Ashton once last kiss before waving good bye and boarding your flight. You blew Ashton as kiss which caused he to smile as he pretended to catch it. "I love you". You whispered as you checked into your flight.

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