#37 : He Makes You Feel Insecure (Part 2)

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After locking yourself in the bedroom you took off your make up and dress. You put on some sweats and a tank top and sat on the edge of the bed.

'How long has Calum thought so negatively of me ?' You thought to yourself.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Calum knocking on the door. "Y/N please let me explain". He pleaded from the other side of door. "Explain how I'm a slut ?". You sassed back.

"No of course not. Your the complete opposite. I just didn't want other guys to look at you like you were the last girl on earth. I didn't know what else I could say that could make you change your outfit. I'm really sorry. Please unlock the door".

You got up off the bed and unlocked the door, pulling Calum in for a hug. "I forgive you cal". You said as you buried your head in the crook of his neck.


Later that evening Luke came out of your shared bedroom with a guilty expression on his face.

"Y/N". He whispered and you looked at him with puffy red eyes after crying for what felt like hours.

"Did you really mean that ?". You sniffled as Luke sat next to you on the couch, placing his hand on top of yours.

"No baby. I love your voice. I just had a really bad day and I took it out on you. I know it's no excuse. I'm really sorry". Luke said as he rubbed circles on your hand with his thumb.

"It's okay Lukey". You said giving him a shy smile. "Now tell me about your amazing day". Luke said as you smiled, beginning to tell him all about what happened that day.


When your food arrived to the table you took a couple of bites out of the food you ordered and then stopped eating. You were now pushing the food around with your fork, a glum expression on your face.

"You okay Y/N". Ashton asked. "Yeah I'm just not feeling very well. I think I might head home". You said as you stood up, putting some money on the table for your meal and then leaving.

When you unlocked your car and went to open the door a hand pushed it closed. You looked up to see Ashton looking at you with a sad expression.

"You thought I was calling you fat, didn't you ?". You looked down, not wanting to look Ashton in the eyes. "Yes". You mumbled under your breath.

"Baby no". Ashton pulled you into a hug. "I didn't mean it like that. I was just asking if you were sure you could eat that much food because that was a lot of good for a small girl. It just came out wrong".

"I'm sorry I took it the wrong way Ash". You hugged Ashton closer. "It's okay. How about we go home and have ice cream and watch your favourite movie". You nodded with a smile in response, now happy again.


"Y/N ! Wait !". Michael called out to you but you kept walking. Unfortunately Michael caught up to you and stood in front of you.

"Move Michael, you might catch my ugliness !". You said trying to push him out of the way but failing. "Please hear me out. I didn't mean in that way. I was just looking out for you". Michael pleaded.

"Please explain then !". You yelled with a angry expression on your face. "I know how harsh the haters can be to you and I know exactly what your mentions are going to look like at the moment because you've gone outside without make up. I think it's complete bullshit that you should have to try and impress some haters but I was just trying to protect and help you". You dropped the angry expression from your face.

He was right.

"You're right mikey. I'm sorry". You said kissing his cheek. "I'm sorry you felt insulted". He said linking pinkies with you. "Can we have our lazy day now ?". You asked sweetly. Michael nodded, carrying you bridal style back inside his house.


A/N : Yay, happy endings :D !!

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