#16 : Sweater Paws

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A/N : The amount I love sweater paws, no matter who it's on, is not even funny. I love it so much. I'm sorry that's so weird. Bye :3 x


You were sitting on the armchair by the fireplace reading your favourite book, sweater paws and all, when your boyfriend snatched your book out of your hands. "Calum". You whined dragging out the last syllable.

"What ?". He said repeating your actions. "I was reading". You pouted, bringing your hands up to your cheeks. "Your so cute with your sweater paws". Calum said as he kissed your sweater covered hands and then kissed you sweetly on the lips.

"Your so weird". You said as you kissed him back. "Shh cutie. Just kiss me". Calum said as he continued to kiss you, your book long forgotten.


Luke had suggested a quick cuddle session which turned into being 2 hours long. "Luke". You poked his cheek. "What". He said doing the same back but if felt different ; it was softer due to his sweater paws.

"Nothing". You said immediately forgetting what you were saying. "I love you". You kissed Luke's cheek and he blushed a little, pink rising to his cheeks.

"I love you too but you know I don't like blushing in front of you. It's not manly". He said while covering his cheeks. "Saids the one with the sweater paws.


You fell asleep on Ashton's lap when you arrived back on the tour bus after just recently watching the concert him and the rest of 5sos performed at.

Ashton hadn't notice you were asleep until he tried talking to you and getting no reply. He kissed your nose and you woke up, giggling a little. "Look at you. Your so cute when you wake up". He said as he kissed your nose again.

You pulled your sweater down over your hands and Ashton was the one to giggle a little. "You know I love when you do that. You look even cuter". Ashton said as he kissed your cheek. "Which is why I did it". You said kissing Ashton on the lips.


Michel was away on tour and he had skyped you before he went to bed. When his faced popped on the screen you instantly smiled because you finally go to talk to him and because he was wearing the sweater you loved on him.

"Hi baby". He said with a smile. "Hi Mikey !". You said with a smile matching his. "I've missed you". He said while he played with his sweater as he pulled it over his hands. "I've missed you too".

You couldn't help but smile when you seen Michael's sweater paws. He looked adorable. He never liked you calling him adorable but you still did.

You skyped until he went to bed but not before reassuring him how adorable he looked with sweater paws ;)

A/N : It's like 2:12 in the morning so this was bad. I'll try and post something for you tomorrow xx

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