NFL Honors

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Bright flashes blinded Natasha as she walked the red carpet with her friend Odell. He'd set everything up for her from her dress, to makeup, and hair. He wanted his best friend to look as good as he planned planned for the night.

Upon getting out of their car, waves of screams crashed into her. One phrase ringing constantly: who is she? She smiled and posed in photos with Odell. Ignoring the side eyes from other women nearby.

"Odell, Odell, over here!" A reporter called their way. Politely, Odell grabbed Natasha's hand and led her to that press section. "Man of the evening, how's it feel to be up for best play and fantasy player of the year?"

"Amazing man. It's amazing." He smiled wide, showing all his pearly whites. Natasha smiled as she looked on uncomfortably. Odell took notice and squeezed her waist slightly.

"Who is this lovely lady, a girlfriend perhaps?" The reporter commented, very nosily.

"Nah, this is my best friend. I waited last minute to find a date and Tasha here was nice enough to clear her schedule for me." He explained, placing a friendly kiss on her forehead.

"Well she looks astounding. Good luck on your awards tonight Odell!"

Natasha felt like an animal in a zoo exhibit the way eyes seemed to zoom in on her and stare, seemingly undressing her mentally. She tugged at the sleeve of Odell's tux, anxious to get inside. Between her general nervousness of all these eyes on her it would double when she laid eyes on some of her favorite athletes like Serena Williams, Steph Curry, even legends like Michael Strahan, who was handing out the award for best play.

"Chill man." Odell laughed off as Natasha beat up his arm, slapping him.

"Okay you act like this is something I'm used to. Just cause I hang with yo crusty dusty ass don't mean i'ma run into someone like fucking Serena Williams and be sane." She fussed silently.

"Well stop hitting me at least, you fucking nerd." They both chuckled as they reached the end of the carpet, finding their seats inside the auditorium.

"OBJ!" A loud booming voice made Tasha snap her neck to the left. Hurdling over towards them was a familiar face.

"Aye Victor!" Odell grabbed onto his friend/teammate and shared a brotherly embrace. "Nice to see you man, glad to see you on your feet." Following at her father's footsteps was his daughter, Kennedy. "Hey little one!" Odell snatched Kennedy up into his arms, lifting her above his head and bringing her into a fit of giggles.

"Nice to see you again Tasha." Victor waved her way and smiled.

"Yeah, I see surgery went well." She looked at his knee and back at him.

"Yeah, PT is a pain though but I gotta do it." His eyes followed people walking behind Odell. "Anyways, let me take this girl to find her momma before she has a heart attack. You know Elaina." Victor shook his head and grabbed Kennedy from Odell, heading off in the direction he came from.

"I still don't see how you do this Beckham." Natasha noted, laying eyes on yet another legend.

"You get used to it after a while, I'll take you to meet some people later at the after parties." He guided her to their seats as everyone filed in.

"I don't know if I'm worthy of such blessings." She laughed.

"Oh my god, shut up Natasha!"

The ceremony went very well, Odell went home with both awards that he'd been nominated for. They left the main venue and headed back to their hotel. After changing from their formal attire into more relaxed outfits, they hopped back in the car and headed to out again.

"I'm introducing you to these people, don't do no stupid shit Tash or that's your ass."

Natasha rolled her eyes and got out the back of the SUV, taking Odell's hand in hers as she did so. "You not gone treat me like a damn kid my nigga."

"Well you shouldn't look like one." He rested his elbow on the top of her head, teasing for the millionth time at their height difference.

"When I knee you in your dick, you bet not cry jackass." She glared up at him and shook her balled up fist. "Don't act like I won't lay these hands on you."

"Nigga please, you can't handle me. I'll light your ass up." Those two always bickered like this so much so all their inner circle wondered how they weren't dating yet.

"Whatever, I'm tryna meet my new baller bae." Odell smirked and led her inside.

Natasha's eyes seemed to widen with every turn of her head. From one VIP table to the next, Odell toted his friend around until they were at Jarvis' table bottles and women all around. "Juuuiceee!" Odell greeted happily.

Jarvis hopped up from his seat, a random groupie falling on her ass in the process. "My man, fantasy player of the year cause he know he can't handle me on the field for real." Odell cut him a mean side eye and pushed him away playfully. "Natasha, how you doin baby?" He wrapped her in a hug that lingered way past the lines of friendship. Out the corner of her eye, she saw Odell scowling but blew it off.

"Hey Juice." She rubbed his back and stepped away, by Odell's side again. "I'm doing good, playing the tagalong game tonight." She gestured her head towards Odell.

"You looked amazing tonight by the way." Jarvis was obviously drunk and Odell didn't like people hitting on Tasha when he was around, didn't matter the one flirting was Jarvis.

"Welp," Odell cut Jarvis' next comment off, "let's go dance Tash." He pulled his 'date' away from Jarvis and into the crowd on the floor.

"What's your deal?" Natasha asked pointedly.

"Nothing." Odell lied. "I just- whatever."

"Are you jealous?"

"No." He lied terribly.

"Oh my God, you are."

"Am not, shut up."

"YOU ARE!" She said loudly, completely amused. She read his expression, he was more than jealous. "How long?" She asked more gently this time, noticing he was embarrassed, realizing his secret had been revealed.

"A year or so now. No big deal." He pouted, hands crossed over his chest.

"Really?" Natasha stopped moving and looked at him closely. "You weren't gonna say anything?"

"Nope." They both sighed and stood at the bar. "For what? You don't see me that way. All you know is playboy Odell."

"Who said I didn't though Dell?" She sipped from her glass of scotch.

Who'd of thought, after all these years of friendship things would take a step into something further. The two decided to discuss things further at the hotel. For now, it was time to enjoy the night. Take in the experience of being here at this very moment. Enjoying all that life had to offer.

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