Naughty or Nice

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Fresh snowfall lay on the ground like a bright white blanket. Odell rubbed his eyes roughly and rolled over on his side, frosted windows shielded the bright rays from the sun. Tiana lay next to him barricaded in a wall of pillows between them. Odell smirked and let his gaze fall on her goofy sleeping face. Cheeks squished to one side causing her plump lips to buckle and her nose to rest crooked on her face.

"DADDY!" A little voice rang throughout the room. "MOMMY!" Tiana jerked awake, her curly tresses all over her head. "Santa came!"

"What?" Tiana questioned still groggy. "What time is it?"

"I don't know. I just woke up and saw presents." Jamie, their 7 year old son, shrugged the question off and hopped in the bed with them. "Daddy, can you come with me to open my gifts?" He tugged on Odell's shoulder giddily.

"Yeah big man, let me brush my teeth and whatnot." Jamie smiled bright and laid back against his half awake mother. "Meet you down in 5?"

"Deal!" Jaime exclaimed as he gave his dad a high-five and jet out the room.

"Merry Christmas baby." Odell leaned over and placed a wet kiss on his wife's lips before standing and walking into the bathroom. "Sorry Juice woke you up. You looked so peaceful." They both shared a quick laugh.

"I was having a good dream. You finally learned how to cook and made me breakfast in bed." She rolled out of bed, beautiful as ever to Odell even with her rough appearance at the moment. The way her dimples showed in her cheeks with the least little curve of her lips, the twinkle in her eyes when she looked at their son. "What?" She asked clearly taken aback by the way he was staring at her.

"Nothing, just appreciating my beautiful wife and hands down the greatest present Christmas or not that I've EVER received."

Blood rushed to Tiana's cheeks as she smiled and pulled the covers up over the bed. "Well thank you."

The two lovebirds quickly cleaned themselves up and made their way downstairs to meet Jaime by the Christmas tree waiting impatiently. The small family sat around watching each other rip through gifts until there was one more small gift left under the tree. Tiana sat quietly by Odell with her eyes trained on the gift.

"Daddy, Santa says it's for you!" Jaime's bouncy curls flopped around as he bounced his way over to Odell.

"For me?" Odell's eyebrows were raised high on his forehead. The package was small and rectangular wrapped in paper covered in snow and Ho Ho Ho's. Like a big kid, Odell ripped quickly through the paper revealing three positive pregnancy tests. "Are you?" He started with a wide smile.

"I am. I go see my doctor next week for the blood test to make sure it's not false positives." Tiana's eyes were wide in joy.

"I'm gonna have a sister or brother?!" Jaime squealed hopping in his mother's lap.

"Hopefully, now go wash up and put on clothes before the family gets here." Tiana ordered gently, giving Jaime a love tap on his bottom. "I'm gonna start getting this meal ready babe. Can you clean this up while I do that?" Odell gave a quick nod and began trashing all the paper and boxes scattered in the living room.

The Beckham-Graham family and every extended family member in between sat around the big dining room. The kids sat at a smaller table, laughing and joking around with each other. Everyone sharing laughs and food. The spirit of Christmas was truly in this house.

"Okay, Secret Santa time!" Odell Sr. belted as he stood up from the couch. All the kids ran to sit on the floor. "Junior, come bring me a chair." He directed cheerfully. "Who's gonna be Santa's helper this year?" Odell set a chair from the dining room next to the tree.

One by one Secret Santa gifts were passed out until there were no more gifts to give, kids were knocked out in different rooms around the decently sized house. After most of the family had gone, that left Ms. Heather and her family and Tiana's mother June and Jarvis, Odell's best friend.

The smaller group now cleaned up the kitchen and living room. Jamie was in his bedroom conked out from all the excitement of the day. "What's this?" Ma June croaked out holding up one of the positive pregnancy tests. Tiana looked at Odell with an exasperated glare.

"I told you to get rid of them." Tiana directed to Odell before turning back to her mom. "Mama, I'm pregnant."

Ma Heather's eyes widened and her adorable smile spread quickly across her face, Tiana could see exactly where Odell's smile came from if she'd never seen it before then. "Again? I'm gonna be a grandma again?" She yelped happily.

"And on that note...Goodnight man!" Odell Sr. clapped his sons shoulder with a smile. "Maybe it'll be another boy. Can't have too many round."

"Bye!" Tiana grunted. "Between this man child here," she gave her attention to Odell Jr., "and my baby upstairs I don't need anymore boys in this house. I need a little girl." Both their mothers nodded in agreement.

"Girls are hard." Jarvis chimed in with his baby girl hugging his leg tight. She was adorable, smooth pretty brown complexion with thick, long, dark brown hair styled into several pigtails tied at the ends with colorful barrettes that matched her Christmas sweater. She looked like the spitting image of Jarvis in female form. "I should know."

"They are not." Tiana combated.

"Maybe not for women but to men? We're like silly putty when it comes to our baby girls. They could tell us rob a bank and give them half...all we gotta see is those pretty smiles and puppy dog eyes and they got us." Jarvis looked down at his smiling daughter's face.

"Nigga that's you. Ain't nobody tryna rob no banks and get got. Pfft." Odell scoffed. "I'm too pretty for jail." The living room erupted in laughter between everyone.

"Whatever man, you'll see one of these days." Jarvis rolled his eyes as everyone headed for the front door to leave. "Goodnight y'all, lil one is tired and I gotta get her home to her mama." He gave everyone goodbye hugs. "Catch y'all next year."

After all the Christmas commotion Tiana and Odell lie peacefully, wrapped in the blankets of their bed watching TV. Tiana suddenly sprang from bed and trotted to the bathroom, coming out in her bathrobe.

"Christmas ain't quite over and I got one last gift for you. So would Santa say you've been naughty or nice this year?" Her lips curved into a devious grin.

"Depends, what do I get if I say nice?" Odell sat up anxiously in bed, Tiana pulled the string to her robe, revealing a skimpy lace lingerie set. "And if I was naughty?" She turned around and dropped the robe off her shoulders showing her bare ass sitting just right thanks to the fire red heels she wore. "Awe hell, I been nice all year but tonight ima be naughty. C'mere!" He ordered.


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