Chapter 1

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"I am thinking of losing my virginity soon." Marian commented as she took another bite of her sandwich. I just slowly glanced at her, trying to hold down my laugh. "Marian, what the fuck? You can't plan it if you don't even have a boyfriend. With who will you even do it?" I crossed my arms over my chest and she finally focused her glance from the boy she was looking at to me.

"Terry." She simply said before looking back at him. I scrunched my eyebrows. "Terry? You've never even talked to him!" I confronted her and she finally laughed. "Okay, fine. You got me. I was joking. Do you think I will ever fuck? I'm incapable of asking for extra sauce at McDonalds." She snorted. Same, girl. Same.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself. I bet you you'll do it before me." I smiled and Marian raised her thin eyebrows. "Well, at least you're right about one thing." She said quietly before bursting into fits of giggles. "Hey!" I pinched her arm and she finally stopped, raising both of her hands in the air. "You said it yourself. I just confirmed it." Marian grinned before someone stole her attention again. I didn't even have to look to know who was passing.

"He is so beautiful." Marian commented with a sigh as Terry passed us. He was in his usual jacket most people recignized him for; the versity jacket. He looked tired today but Marian still found him the most beautiful man on the planet. She will be crushed when he leaves for university.

"Meh." I shrugged my shoulders and Marian's eyes widened. "I don't know if I should be offended or happy that you don't like him." She suddenly laughed at her own words, me joining her. It was true. I found Terry quite unattractive and I told her that numerous times.

The bell rang and we got back to our class. It was boring old Mrs. Castro and her stupid history. I hated it so much. I was an excellent student but history was just not my cup of tea.

"Turn to page twelve. Who wants to read it out loud?" She asked pointless question. Nobody was going to raise their hand. It was obvious and the teacher knew it. "Fine. Kian." She called out and one of the jocks groaned as he flipped through his book. He started reading, purposely pronouncing wrong every second word. The class found it funny but Mrs. Castro not so much. "Detention for you, Kian. Isabella, continue."

Kian was furious. He said something along the lines of 'Fuck this shit' and slammed shut his book. Isabella read normally, too scared to get a detention since her parents were probably the stricted of anyones parent in this class.

And fourty minutes later, the class was finally finished. Marian rushed out and straight to the staircase where Terry will surely pass in a few minutes. I went with her, not knowing what else to do alone.

I put my arms on the stairs fence and leaned my chin onto them. It was one of those pale days. Nothing interesting was happening and minutes couldn't pass any slower.

Just then, I looked towards the staircase below where I was standing and saw Ace slowly making his way upstairs, completely ignoring everyone around him, earphones in his ears. I caught his glance and immediately looked away, trying not to come off as a stalker (I truly am).

I didn't dare to check if he went to class and stayed completely stiff, not even moving my eyes. Then, I felt something brush against my back and quickly turned around to see Ace a few feet away from me. It probably wasn't him. There were like twenty kids walking the same way he was.

"He smells so good." Marian's voice threw me out of my trance. I nodded a few times, just for the sake of answering something to her. He probably did. I couldn't say I felt anything because I was too busy trying to look... unsuspicious?

That guy was so chilling. I feel tingles run up and down my body as soon as I catch his eye. It's not attraction. It's mystery.

I don't know what the fuck was this chapter lol. I had a good one and it deleted so here's a short one, just to meet you with the story. I wanna warn you that this will be extremely vulgar and sexual story(well, the main thing is their bathroom hookup is it lol?). Anyone younger than 13 or if you can't handle sexual stuff, just click out of this story. I don't want anyone disturbed and commenting stuff as 'ew' 'its inapropriate to write sex stuff' 'this is a porn' or whatnot lol. So Im saying it now; its a sexual ass story with a lot of dirty language so gtfo if you cant handle it pls. I still love you tho. K bye. Vote, comment and share!

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