Chapter 13

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I broke up with Ace via text.

I remember watching the same exact thing happening in a movie and thinking 'Wow what a heartless bitch' and now I was the same heartless bitch.

I have been waiting for hours to hear from Ace but he never replied. I even carried my phone to the toilet with me (which I rarely did because the last one ended up falling in the toilet water).

Mom wasn't happy to see me sad and I didn't want to keep her worried. So I blasted the music through my speakers and pretended to listen to currently catchy pop song, when actually I was clutching a blue stress ball which my grandmother had given me two years ago. It helped but everytime my phone rang, my heart rate quickened for a few hundered beats (which was like two times because I didn't have many friends to actually contact me).

But eventually, I gave up. I left my phone on the charger and went downstairs to join my family in the living room. Dad was seated on the couch with mom leaning her back on him, playing Candy Crush on her phone.

Her face immediately lit up as she saw me, and I smiled in return. "So, what are we watching?" I glanced at the TV to see the usual sports channel.

"Hush! I can't hear them." Dad shushed me up so I sighed and went to get some water.

Then a message I sent earlier re-entered my mind.

'I don't think this is working out. I like you a lot but we are not meant to be.
I'm sorry.

Who knows what he's up to right now. Is he crying? Or laughing? Maybe celebrating that he's free again.

"What are you thinking about, Fleur? You have been weird today and I am starting to get worred." Mom's voice suddenly split up my thoughts and I focused my attention on her. I really want to tell her but those kind of stuff are not meant to be shared with your mother.

"I broke up with Ace. Please don't question me. I want to get my mind off of it." I simply said and took a sip of cold water. I noticed mom's frown replaced by a small smile, probably out of sympathy. "Fine. Just know that you are not grounded anymore." She placed a soft kiss on my forehead and went back in the living room 

I spend the next few days out of school because of constant headaches I was getting from stress. Ace still hadn't contacted me and probably won't.

Marian didn't speak to me either (apart from informing me of homework). I didn't wanna be a nag so I never sent her any messages either.

Finally, headaches stopped with fourth day and I went back to school.

As I was going through my locker, somebody went to open theirs, which was right by mine. A faint smell of mint was followed by a loud bubblegum bubble-popping coming from Lucille, Belle's best friend.

Belle herself joined us a few seconds later. They talked about history homework and then a familiar name caught my attention. "Ace is such an ass. But at least he's a good kisser." Belle giggled and Lucille gasped. "You baddie! I still don't know how you got someone like him! I mean, he looks like he's into brain-dead bitches." Belle 'aww-ed' at Lucille words and thanked her for the compliment.

As soon as they left, I closed my locker and leaned onto it for support.

Was I the brain-dead chick that easily gave into him?

"Hey, F! Glad you're back." Marian faintly smiled punching my shoulder. I groaned before making my way through the hallway, with her beside me. "I should've stayed home." I whispered more to myself than anybody.

Why am I feeling bad in this sittuation? It's not my fault. Ace cheated on me. And on Sierra!

It's mostly his fault. He should feel guilty.

But then again, I took a part in seperating Sierra and him so I should feel guilty as well.

"Stop blaming yourself." Sierra said, as on cue. "It's not your fault he's a cheater. You just fell into his trap. And now you're out so just let it go." Sierra shrugged. I nodded at her incouriging words.

One day, I will talk about this with a laugh.

But that's not today.

So I spent the whole day like any other person would if in a similar situation; hiding from Ace.

I didn't wanna see him or him to see me. We were both done with each other and by the end of the week, I was convinced I was an extra in his life, a short and fun event. Too bad he doesn't share the same feelings as I do.

"Terry introduced me to his friends as his girlfriend!" Marian squeaked as we were sipping freshly squeezed orange juice her mom prepared from her organic garden. "Wow, congratulations." I smiled, feeling proud of her. She managed to get the guy she liked for the past few years.

As I moved my head to the right side, my eyes fell on a framed black and white picture of Roy, Marian's father. Words 'In loving memory' in deep blue go over the bottom part of the photo. "I miss him, F. He was my best friend." Marian suddenly said and I shifted towards her, wrapping my hand around her shoulders in the process. "I know you do, but be happy because he is looking at you, keeping you safe and feeling proud."

Marian's head fell in the crook of my neck and I realised I hadn't been there for her in all this mess. I should've left everything to help her feel better in this horrible event. Instead, I was occupied with another guy who doesn't want to settle down.

But I am here now. And I will never leave her again.

"Thank you, F. I love you." Marian softly whispered, her voice cracking a little from the tears.

"I love you too, Peaches."


Aw finally Fleur and Marian are besties again!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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