Chapter 3

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I groaned as I pressed 'snooze' on my phone and got up. I did the hygiene and dressed. I went for white blouse, black jeans and white low Converse. Make-up was as usual; mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. I sprayed some of the parfume I had left and headed downstairs.

"Morning sweetheart!" Mum greeted me and I pecked her cheek before grabbing my bag and heading outside. It was fairly cold today but I didn't mind it. In fact, I loved it much more than heat waves in summer.

I entered the bus and after thirty minutes, I was at school. Marian greeted me and we made our way to the French lesson.

"Did you hear what happened yesterday?" She asked after we sat down. I shook my head. "Isabella hooked up with Terry. At least, that's what she's been saying."

"And you trust her?" I raised my eyebrow. Isabella might be good and pure in class but she was one hell of a liar and this whole story seemed a little... shallow.

Marian nodded. "I guess so. Terry didn't deny it." She shrugged sadly. I threw my arm around her neck. "It's fine. He is only hooking up. I don't think he would date her. You know his type." I chuckled but Marian stayed silent. "Oh, c'mon. It's morning. Don't be so depressed this early, please! Fuck Terry. And fuck Isabella." I smiled which caused Marian to creep up a tiny itty bitty smile.

We had a substitute on our French lesson which I didn't mind. He was kinda cute. Probably in his late twenties and much better than old Mrs. Coolie.

By the time fifth period rolled around, my head was throbbing with pain. I raised my hand. "Yes, Miss Fleur?" My English teacher asked. "May I go to the bathroom?" She nodded her head at my proposition and I went out. As soon as I stepped into the bathroom stall, I thanked God it was empty and pulled out a box of pills. I took one out and popped it into my mouth, taking a sip of water right after.

I stayed for a few minutes until I heard the doors of the bathroom opening. I didn't look who it was because I didn't care. Instead, I quickly approached the mirror, acting as if I was fixing my hair so I don't look like a creepster sitting on the bathroom floor.

I almost choked on my own spit as I saw Ace in the reflection but decided to stay calm before heading to the door.

Before I know it, I felt hand wrapping around my wrist and I was pulled back, crashing into Ace's chest in the process. I couldn't help myself but gasp quietly. He still didn't let go of my hand and we kept standing there, not moving an inch and just looking at each other.

His hand finally let go of my wrist and I was gently pushed back onto the bathroom wall. After a fee seconds of not making any move, his lips colided with mine. One of his hands wrapped around my waist while the other one held the side of my neck.

My head was spinning from what was happening but I didn't have time to think about that. I was busy with something else at the moment.

Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine something like this actually happening. It was just impossible.

It was not until a few minutes later he slowly removed his lips from mine. I was just looking at him, lost of words. Both of us were breathing rapidly.

And then, he went through his hair with his fingers before exiting the bathroom stall.

My back colided with cold bathroom wall once again and I slided down, sitting on the floor in the end.

What just happened?

Well, it's pretty obvious. I just don't understand why. This wasn't something I imagined Ace doing with girls in the school bathroom. Heck, I thought he was gay for a few months!

Shit. How long have I been here? The teacher will flip out!

I quickly fixed my hair before running towards my classroom. I quietly entered and made my way back to my seat. Teacher didn't say anything but kept writting on the blackboard.

"What happened to you?" Marian's voice startled me and I quickly glanced in her direction. "I-Nothing. Why?" I asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost." I just shrugged, ignoring her.

But I couldn't ignore Ace. Why did he kiss me? I thought he hated me. He was always so quiet and giving me weird looks. This doesn't seem right.

Before I know it, the bell rang and Marian pulled me outside before I even had a chance to lift myself up from the chair. We stood by one of the windows, in silence and waiting for the other to speak. Actually, I was waiting for her since she was the one who needed to talk, appearently.

"You won't believe what Tina told me while you were on the bathroom! She likes Ace! I'm so surprised. I would never expect that from her." Marian squeaked. I just nodded, trying to change the subject. I was not going to talk about Ace.

Ever again, for that matter probably.

It was not until few minutes later that the bell rang and we headed to the gym. I put on my gym clothes and head to the court with Marian by my side. Teacher was sick so we had a substitute which wasn't good. She made us sprint ten rounds. We were dripping in sweat, barely making our way back to the locker room once we were done.

"Oh my God. Did you see him?" Marian smiled widely, all the energy suddenly pushing back into her. "Saw who?" I asked untying my gym shoes. I took off my shorts and put my jeans back on. "Terry! And Jack, Michael, Ace and Jackie of course." Marian smiled.

I shrugged. They were at the court almost every single day. It's nothing unusual to see them.

But Marian was happy so I decided not to be a killjoy.

"Did you see Johnny today?" Marian asked about my crush. I shook my head. Johnny was never at school. I saw him three times this year. He is so gonna fail.

"I didn't. You know he doesn't go half the time."

"Isabella saw him today. He has a girlfriend."

I didn't even know why was I friends with Marian. She was so rude and obnoxious. I haven't lived a day when she was nice or sweet in any matter. This just crossed the line.

"What the Hell is wrong with you?" I yelled. "You know I liked him since freshman year. You don't just fucking tell me he has a fucking girlfriend! Fuck." I was so sweet with her, making sure I ease things to her. I made sure she doesn't get news and has a heart attack out of it and now she gives me this shit.

I didn't wait for her answer but simply left. P.E. was last class anyway and we didn't even live close so at least I won't be meeting her at the bus.

As soon as I got home, I went straight to my room and layed on my bed, waiting for Marian to call and apologize but that didn't happen.

What did you think? I didn't like it that much but k. Vote, comment:)


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