How Did I Get So Lucky?

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I sighed in relief. Today I could finally leave this stupid hospital. I was able to walk around and talk with some people, but the hospital was still empty most of the day. I was so bored I couldn't stand it.

Flame Prince walked into the room. He smiled at me.


"Yes." I groaned, "Just please get me out of here and far away from this place."

He chuckled.


He held out his hand. I grabbed it and started walking out of the room.

"Goodbye horrible hospital room." I said as we passed the threshold of the doorway.

Flame Prince laughed.

"You're a dork," he pinched my cheek, "Let's go."

He walked me out of the candy hospital and into Gumball's castle.

"What are we doing? I thought I was just going home." I looked up at him.

"You are. We just need to do something first, okay?" He smiled warmly down at me.


He lead me through the staff's kitchen and up the back staircase. He was taking me to the top floor.

We walked into the ballroom. Streamers and balloons decorated the ceiling. A table was filled with all my favorite foods and pastries. All of my friends and my sister stood there smiling at me.

"What is this?" I asked in confusion.

"It's a party!" Bubblegum said ecstatically.

"For what?"

"For you, you idiot." Fionna playfully punched me and smiled.

I looked up at Flame Prince. I still didn't understand.

"It's your first day out of the hospital. We wanted to throw you a party." He smiled sweetly.

"Yeah. You seemed so depressed in there, man," Jake said sadly, "We wanted to cheer you up. We thought this would help."

"Well come on Finn. I didn't stay up all night making this food for you to just stare at it." Gumball laughed.

Flame Prince guided me over to the table.

"Eat whatever you want." He encouraged.

I picked up one of Gumball's red velvet cupcakes and began eating it. I smiled in delight. These were always my favorite.
Everyone started walking up to the table to get their own food. They were all very happy and chattery. I smiled. I have the best friends.

Flame Prince took a bite out of my cupcake while I was distracted. I looked up at him in disbelief he smirked down at me. I smiled and started chuckling. He laughed with me.

I felt so warm and fuzzy. I was happier than I had been in months. How did I get so lucky?

•Marshall Lee•

I grabbed Gumball's sleeve and gave it a tug. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. I tilted my head towards the door and started walking. He followed. Everyone was enjoying themselves so much that they didn't notice us leave.

"Is something wrong?" Gumball looked at me in concern.

"Yeah," I pulled him close to me, "I haven't been alone with you in forever."

"It's only been like three hours." He smiled fondly.

"It felt like forever." I said as I hugged him.

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