Working Things Out

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•Marshall Lee•
Finn was healing well. Gumball said he might be out of the hospital in a few weeks, which was an improvement from the two months we expected. He'd still have to be on close monitoring, so he'd have to stay in the candy castle for a while.

Night was approaching quickly. I was debating on whether or not I should go to Gumball's room. I still didn't know if letting him toy around with me was what I wanted. I wanted to be with him so bad, but did I want him this bad? I still couldn't decide.

I sighed and began to head home.

"Why?" Gumball's voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

I stealthily flew to the balcony that was extended from his room.

"Why does my chest hurt so bad?"

Was he crying? Over what?

"I'm such a jerk. I don't have the guts to admit that I want to be with him," he hiccuped, "Marshall, I'm sorry."

Me? Since when did he care about me?

"I wish I could let him in. I wish I knew he wouldn't leave. I wish this didn't hurt so much."

He grunted and stomped away from the edge of the balcony and back into his room. I began hearing crashes.

"Why does it hurt so much!" He screamed as he threw stuff everywhere.

I jumped into his room and grabbed his arms. His knuckles were bruised and bloodied. I stared at his pink tear streaked face. His eyes were glossy and crazed.

"Gumball, chill."

"Don't tell me to 'chill', whatever that means!"

"Okay then, calm down. Please, before you hurt yourself anymore."

"I'm fine, Marshall."

"No, you're not! You're bleeding for glob sake!"

"I'm fine. It's just a couple scratches."

"Gumball, I think this one may need stitches."

I looked at a knuckle on his right hand. The split was about two inches long and half an inch deep. He'd obviously broken something made of glass and cut himself on it.

"It'll be fine. I don't need stitches."

I knew he was lying. He just didn't want anyone to know what he had done.

"I'm taking you to the candy Doctor."

He sighed and complied with me.

"Marshall, hold on for a second."

I looked back at him before I opened the door. He leaned up to my face and kissed me.

"I missed you." He smiled as he pulled away.

"We were apart for a few hours." I chuckled.

"Still too long," he sighed, "I want to say something else, but it can wait."

I nodded.

"Let's go get you fixed up."

The candy doctors stitched up his hand. He hadn't done as much damage as I had originally thought. He'd bruised his knuckles badly and needed no more then 10 stitches. His hand would be sore for a week or so, but he would heal up fine.

We checked on Finn before we left. He was asleep when we got there. His wrists were looking much better and his vitals were fine.

"Let's go back to my room." Gumball smirked at me.

"Sure Gummy."

He blushed and swatted me with his hand.

"Shut up."

"Be careful where you're swinging those things." I grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles.

He smiled contently.

We made it back to his room. I kissed him straight away. I leaned him up against the closed door. He tugged at the hairs on the nape of my neck. We stood there for a few more minutes before pulling away to breathe.
I hoisted him up and wrapped his legs around my waist. I kissed down his neck. He breathed heavily.

"Marshall, wait."

I put him down.

"What's wrong?"

"The bed." He chuckled.

I nodded and smiled.

"Okay. After you."

He pulled off his shirt and laid down. I did the same. I ran my hands all over his chest. He quietly moaned. I kissed down his chest to the waistband of his pants. He looked down at me, completely flustered. I dipped my fingers under his waistband. He squeezed his eyes shut and breathed erratically.


I looked up at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I need to tell you something."

I sighed in frustration then straightened myself out. I smiled at him.

"Go ahead."

"I think I might want to try this- us. I think I'm willing to try."

I smirked.

"Isn't that what we're doing?"

He slapped my arm.

"Stop it. I'm being serious. I think I might want to be your boyfriend."

My eyes widened.


"Yes." He smiled.

I kissed him sweetly.

"That's great, boyfriend."

He chuckled quietly.

I laid next to him on the bed and pulled him close to me. Now was not the time to try and sleep with him.

"Are we okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." I smiled.

Everything seemed to be going our way, finally. I fell asleep with my new boyfriend in my arms.

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