1.5 Crazy Bees

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Note to self: Never let Jake make me oatmeal again. I tell myself as I try to eat the food that Jake made.

"This porridge is gross." Andy complains, my nose unintentionally scrunches up hearing the word.

"Aweh poor baby." Jake replies taking another bite.

"It's not even cooked." Andy lifted the spoon and let the oatmeal drop in disgust.

"Harden up Andy, porridge is the breakfast of champions." Jake finalizes while taking a bite.

"Raw food movement" Sam ponders while nodding. "Cool."

"I'd hate to be a champion." I say sarcastically lifting a spoon and letting the contents drop the way Andy just had. Andy's stomach makes a loud grumbling sound just as Felix walks up to us.

"There's nothing left." He says staring at the empty lot.

"You snooze you lose." Jake shrugs not caring. I put my empty cup on our box table and stand up moving over to the beds and pick up my bag while the boys continue their conversation.

"Thanks so called friends." Felix says sarcastically.

"No problem Freak." Sam responds cheerfully.

"Will you stop calling me Freak?" Felix huffs, I roll my eyes when all three boys tell him no. Taking my flannel and putting it on rolling the sleeves to my elbows, with my bag across my shoulder I walk back over to the boys.

"I thought freakiness was his thing?" Sam questions seriously.

"Do we have any toilet paper?" Andy asks as his stomach lets out another groan.

"Dude we don't even have a toilet." I tell him while throwing my hair up into a messy bun. Andy's stomach keeps groaning and his face scrunches up.


I sat between Sam and Jake on a small section of rocks in the middle of town across the street from my dad's store. My head is resting on my knees as I stare at the once familiar building.

"This is a horrible idea, we should be laying low." Andy whispers in a conspiritory way.

"No, no, no, no, we impress a few people elevate our social status, than its goodbye scavenging. People will be lining up to invite us to dinner." Sam explains optimistically.

"That's ridiculous." I mutter not taking my eyes off the store as I see my mum walk up to the doors I sit up straight.

"Speaking of jobs we could try making some cash." Jake states.

"Way ahead of you big man." Sam says to Jake, I scoff. He stands up and continues in a cocky tone. "Hello Bremin, prepare to fall in love with me. Again." Sam walks away after that, I don't bother trying to follow him, but refocus back on the store across the street.

"Fascinating," Andy starts. "It's like he's the president of his own fan club."

"It's nauseating." I tell him before standing up aswell and leaving the two boys to cross the street.

Walking into the store gave me the feeling of walking into a house I once lived in that a stranger is now calling their own. I wondered around the store not actually focusing on anything but trying to act as if I have a reason for being here. I have yet to come up with a strong reason when a voice startles me.

"Come on" A soft voice a pleads, I feel my body stiffen at the sound and clear my throat turning around to find my mother standing on a ladder reaching to put something up on the highest shelf the ladder tipping slightly. I grip the ladder and steady it.

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