-fortune teller&doctors-

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i woke up to the feeling of sick going up my throat. i ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. i cringed at the burning feeling in my throat.

"honey? you okay?" i heard mingyu call. "hmm? oh yeah! i just don't feel well." i flushed and brush my teeth before walking back into our bedroom. i laid beside mingyu in bed. "feeling better?" i nodded.

"much better."

we fell back asleep and in the morning, yet again i threw up.

"do you need a doctor?" mingyu asked, patting my back. "no. maybe it's from the drinks i had at vernon and seungkwans party. i promise i'll be fine."

we decided to go to our friends breakfast cafe. "well if it isn't the happy couple. what can i get you two?" jisoo smiled at us. "could i get a salad and green tea please hyung." he nodded and i went to get a seat for us. i felt someone burning holes into the side of my face. i turned and saw a middle aged lady staring at me while smiling.


"i'm not a creep. i'm a fortune teller and i can tell that you are stressed and feeling unwell. here's my card. come to my work and i'll read your fortune." i took her card and put it in my pocket just in time before mingyu came with our breakfast.

i picked up my salad off the tray and placed it in front of me. i carefully moved my green tea next to the bowl and started to eat my salad. "babe, how are you feeling?" i gulped my food down and smiled at my boyfriend. "i told you i'm fine." i took a sip of my green tea and i rushed to the bathroom.

after throwing up i flushed the toilet and walked out of the cubical.

"are you sure you're alright?"

i hugged my boyfriend and sighed.

"i don't know anymore."


"yes... ah thank you. we'll be there."

mingyu hung up on the doctor and sat next to me on our couch. i leaned my head on his shoulder and watched the tv. "it could be just from the alcohol but i don't know." mingyu rubbed circles into the back of my hand with his thumb. "well we're meeting the doctor tomorrow so you can find out then."

i remembered the card the lady gave me. "mingyu can i go visit someone? alone?" he nodded. i got up and shoved on a jacket before walking out of our house and towards the bus stop.

"she lives all the way in busan. then i'll have to take the train."

i boarded the bus and sat in a random seat. i looked out the window as the bus drove off.

she can't really tell what's actually gonna happen in the future. there's no such thing as psychics.

**time skip to her work**


the bell above the door dinged as i walked in. The place was a dark reddish purple, a strong scent filled the place and there was fog everywhere. it really looked like a fortune tellers place that you see in movies.

"ah you came. this way."

i followed the lady into the back and sat in the seat across from her.

"gimme the palm of your hand." she ordered. i did as she said and she started to trace the lines on my hands with her thumbs.

"you're very worried and confused about something. your boyfriend is feeling the same. you feel sick but don't know why. you did have alcohol in your system but that's not the reason why you're sick." she spoke. "do you know why?" i pulled my hand back after she let go. she smiled softly and and nodded.

she removed the purple cloth that covered the crystal ball and stared into it.

"i can sense that you're gonna bring someone into the family real soon that is why you are feeling unwell."

after the weird session i went back home and the smell of spaghetti filled my noes.

"you're home! i was worried you were gone for 2 hours." mingyu said once i stepped into the kitchen. "sorry gyuie the traffic was terrible." i back hugged him and rested my chin on his shoulder.

"so who did you go visit?"

"oh my parents. they wanted to see me this week." i lied. i let go and he placed the food on the plates on the table and we sat down. i took a bite of my spaghetti and sighed in relief after i swallowed it.

at least this is okay to eat.

oh boy how i was wrong. when i woke up i threw it all up in the toilet.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE!" i shouted as i leaned on the sink with water dripping down my face.

"we have to leave in 20 minutes." mingyu rubbed my back. i nodded and turned the tap off, walking out of the bathroom and into our room for clothes. i put on a blue sweater, washed out blue denims and black converse. i fixed my hair, brushed my teeth and met with mingyu at the car. i got in my side and fastened my seat belt. he started up the car and drove off to the doctors hut.

"would you like me to join you or would you be alright alone?" mingyu asked me. "i'll be alright alone."

mingyu parked in the parking lot and we got out and into the building.

"jeon wonwoo?"

i sat down on the chairs closest to the doctors room. "hopefully it's just a small cold you've got." i waited for a few minutes before i heard the doctor call my name. i got up and went inside the room, closing the door behind me and sitting on the stool.

"now what's the matter?" the doctor asked. "yesterday morning i woke up to throwing up. it again after i had green tea then this morning i threw up again. i did have alcohol day before yesterday but it shouldn't make me throw up the next day." i informed her. she looked at me as if she was trying to think of something.

"i know this is a feminine thing but lie on the table and lift your sweater up above your stomach."

i laid on the bed and lifted my sweater up showing my pale flat stomach. she put a cold gel on my stomach and got a weird pen thing and moved it around on the gel.

she gasped which made me suspicious. "you too?" She said. "what?" i looked at the monitor and saw the inside of my stomach. there was a small white thing that i could hardly see.

"mr jeon... you're pregnant."

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