-back at work-

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Wonwoo's pov

We were allowed to take home our babies and Minwoo laid asleep in my arms on the car ride home. It hurt me so much of how he looked like Mingyu, I would like to show Mingyu Minwoo but he would hate Minwoo and I don't know where he is. Soonyoung would know but he's away and I'm scared. Scared of what he would say to me. As if Jihoon could read my mind he said,

"You shouldn't be scared. You should go to him or let fate happen." I looked at Jihoon who sat at the front. "If I go to him with a new born he won't speak to me and if I let fate happen he won't speak to me. There's no right way. It's all wrong." I stated. I heard Jihoon sigh.

"Listen. Either go to him, let fate happen or forget him."


I was now back at work. Minwoo was with me getting love from all of my friends and Junhui.

"Wonwoo could you give this to Soonyoung and then get coffee?" Junhui asked me. I nodded. I wondered if I should bring Minwoo but he seemed happy with James and Kyun.

I grabbed the file and took the lift up to Soonyoung's floor and went to his office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

I walked in and shut the door. "Oh Wonwoo. How are you?" He asked. I smiled at him. "I'm good. How are you?" He returned the smile. "I'm good as well. Is that for me?" He asked, pointing at the file. I nodded. I handed him it and bowed before leaving.

I went to the bottom floor and left and went across the street. Like always I get his coffee and something for me as well.

"Hello Wonwoo. The usuals?" Chan asked me as I walked in. I nodded. I waited and looked around. I looked at a male couple. One had brown hair and the other had a browny blonde. They were laughing and it made me think back to the times Mingyu and I sat at a cafe and laughed.

"Here you go."

I turned and paid Chan before leaving the cafe with the drinks.

When I got back I gave Junhui his before typing up a speech for him.

"Wonwoo-ah. Minwoo needs changed." James said to me. I chuckled and got up from my seat, going over to Minwoo and taking him to the baby changing bathroom. I changed him and brought him back and resumed my work.

During my break I went to the cafeteria with Minwoo and sat down with Soonyoung, Jihoon and Jeonghan.

"Omg! He's so cute! Look at those cheeks!" Jeonghan squealed as he picked up Minwoo and pinched his cheeks. Minwoo giggled. I smiled at the sight. "How's your baby Jeonghan hyung?" I asked him. He glanced up at me before looking back at Minwoo.

"She's perfect. She's healthy and never sad." Jeonghan smiled. "What's her name?" I asked him. "Jeonhee." "That's a pretty name." I complimented.

We all chatted about random things, mainly them(Jeonghan and Jihoon) telling me how to look after a baby. There's so much work to do to look after one smol bean. I feel bad for Jihoon, having to look after 4 smol beans and I think Jeonghan's first kid is 4 so him too. Ones enough for me.

After break I went back to my floor with Minwoo. I sat at my desk, looking out the window. I was so high up. I looked into the building across the street of this side. It was an apartment complex. I saw someone looking at me from a window. I leaned in to get a closer look but I was cut off by Minwoo crying.

I picked him up and cradled him, letting him drink his milk.

"Wonwoo you can be done for today. I don't have anything for you to do." Junhui told me. I bowed at him and packed my stuff up, putting Minwoo in his pram(stroller). I pushed him out of the room after saying goodbye to everyone and went towards the lift. We got in with a few people and went down to the ground floor.

When I was waiting for the bus I thought of something.

Maybe I should get my own place and leave Jicheol and the kids alone. I'm invading their privacy.

I boarded the bus and put the pram in the baby stroller bit and sat down. Minwoo was fast asleep holding a stuffed hamburger close to him. He grabbed it when I was taking him to get some baby food.

"Aw~ is that your kid?" An old lady asked. I smiled and nodded. "Is the mom at home?" She asked. "N-No actually I'm a single dad." I told her. He gasped. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." I smiled, telling her that it's ok.

My stop came and I got off with Minwoo. I pushed him towards the house and walked in.

"Hello!" I greeted.

I took Minwoo out of his pram and carried him into the living room. "Hello Wonwoo. Hello Minwoo. You're home early." Seungcheol said. I nodded, setting Minwoo down with the twins on the rug with the toys. "Junhui let me go early." I told him. I sat down on the chair and sighed.

"Babies are so much work! He needed changed, then he got love off another parent, then he cried because he was thirsty and then he cried because he saw someone I don't know who." I huffed. Seungcheol chuckled. "Imagine 4 kids. Sungjoon is still a baby and Jinwoo is only 5. Sohyun and Hyun are new borns so 3 babies and a toddler." I pouted.

"Maybe you two should stop doing the frickle frackle." I stated. "Wonwoo!" " Daddy Cheol, what is frickle frackle?" Sungjoon asked. I laughed. "Frickle frackle." Jinwoo said. "Really?! That's your first word?! Aish! Wonwoo what have you done to my children?!" I laughed even harder.

"I made a 2 year old say his first word." I shrugged with a slant smile on my face.

"Jihoon is gonna kill you." Seungcheol warned. I shrugged again.

"Minwoo-ah stay here with the twins. I'm gonna go shower." I said to Minwoo before pecking his head and walking upstairs.

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