-sloppy drunken kisses-

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Mingyu woke up to the sound of Ah Jin crying through the baby monitor. He let out a sigh before getting out of bed and going to check on his daughter. When he walked into her bedroom, he saw her banging her head on the side of the baby cot.

"Ah Jin! No! Don't do that!"

Mingyu ran over, holding his hand in front of her head to stop her. Ah Jin's face was red, stained with tears. Her forehead was red where she had banged it. He picked her up and held her close to him, rocking from side to side to calm her.

"Shhh. Shhh. It's ok. It was just a nightmare." He whispered to her. After a short while she finally fell back asleep and he placed her in her cot, going back to his bed and laying beside his husband.

It came to 7:20am; the time for Minwoo to get ready for school. Wonwoo woke up and saw Mingyu wasn't in bed. Usually he would always be the first one up, not Mingyu. He slipped on his slippers and walked downstairs to make breakfast. To his surprise he saw Mingyu, Ah Jin and Minwoo all sitting at the table eating pancakes. There was a spare plate next to Mingyu where Wonwoo sits.

"You... made pancakes? Honey." Wonwoo kissed his husbands cheek, sitting down. "I was already awake so I decided to cook for once. It only took 3 times to get it right."

Minwoo hardly ate his food, too busy texting Seungsol.

solsol: can we hang out today?

minmin: I guess so

"Minwoo. Sweetie. Please put your phone down and eat your breakfast. You don't have long until you have to get ready." Mingyu said to his son who nodded and put his phone away.

"Dads... could I hang with Sol afterwards?" Minwoo asked slowly. "Did you forgive him?" Mingyu asked, taking a bite. Their son shook his head. "I... I told him I'll think about it." Wonwoo and Mingyu looked at each other before going back to Minwoo.

"Alright. Just text us when you're coming home." Wonwoo said.

"Daddy. Can Ah Jinnie go owt wif Minnie?" Ah Jin asked with her mouth full. "Honey no. You're too young. Maybe in like 10 years."

Minwoo finished his pancakes before the others and placed his plate and fork in the sink before heading upstairs. He got out of his pyjamas and put on his school uniform. He brushed his teeth, shoved on his shoes and grabbed his bag before saying goodbye to his parents and walking to the bus stop.

He saw Seungsol waiting anxiously at the bus stop, tapping his foot on the cold ground. When he spotted Minwoo he walked up to him, hugging the boy.

"Minwoo! Oh my god I thought you would've gotten a ride to school I'm so glad you're here."

Minwoo felt his heart flutter. The feeling he's felt a lot of times still felt foreign to him. Their bus arrived and they boarded, sitting near the front.

"Sol. To be honest. I can't be fucked with school today." Minwoo said, slouching. "Seriously? Damn. That trip to the police station really changed you Minnie." The two boys laughed and soon it came to their stop.

They got off and the bus started to move just as Minwoo was a about to step off. He fell down but luckily Seungsol was there to catch him.

"Min you ok?"

"Yeah. I think I sprained my ankle though. It bent weirdly."

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