The Time Vortex

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"So, the Angels, how do we fight them?" Asked Dorothy."First we need to find there base." The Doctor replied. "The Gelth have been calling from the void, so all we have to do is find the Angels, make a tear between the worlds, and, bam! No more of either groups! The time energy will suck the Angels right into the void and the time vortex will be right over there, waiting to destroy all of them." River's eyebrow raised. "And how do we create a tear? You of all people  know that you can only do that by creating a-" "Paradox. Yes I know. Still smoothing out the details, River."

"What am I supposed to do?" Questioned Dorothy, immediately adapting to the plan.  The Doctor turned to her. "You will take care of Baum while we're gone. You and him will wait in the tardis, which should protect you from the explosion after the time vortex destroys the Gelth and Angels." "Should?" Dorothy said, raising an eyebrow dubiously. "Will." The Doctor said correcting himself.
"No!" Exclaimed Dorothy. "I'm not going to wait in the tardis far from the action! I want to help you!" River shook her head. "I'm sorry my dear, but it's too dangerous. " Dorothy did not take kindly to this answer. "I'm nearly sixteen, I'm pretty sure I have a good idea of what's dangerous and how to deal with it." The Doctor looked at Dorothy with a mix awe and a mix of pity. "You humans are always so full of surprises. That's what I think it is about your race, so brave. Granted your braveness is a thin line away from foolishness, but it's still bravery nonetheless." Dorothy wasn't quite sure how to respond to this, so instead she turned to River. "Please Dr. Song! You know you can't leave me behind!" River shook her head once again. "Dorothy, please."
Dorothy sighed, realizing that she would not be able to go with them after all. "Alright then. Fine. I'll be in the tardis." She walked over to the box, and Baum followed her, looking broken  and hollow after witnessing the death of his beloved.

"Right then." The Doctor said, offering his elbow to River. "To create a Paradox,then?" River nodded. And linked arms with him. The Doctor took out his sonic screwdriver and began to wave it around to try and get a signal. "Bingo."
He and River continued down into the village with the screwdriver leading the way. They passed building after building, which were all ominously quiet. "The Angels must be very powerful if they've already consumed a whole village." River whispered, glancing around at the silent houses. The Doctor didn't answer. So River fell silent and plodded along with him until thy reached a tall building with a cross a the top.
A church.
The Doctor stopped scanning and placed his screwdriver back in his coat pocket. "This is it." They stared up at the lonely stone building with one stained glass window and a tall cross make of wood at the topmost turret. The sky had turned the ugly shade of a bruise as they had been walking, and the Doctor licked his finger and held it up. "It's going to rain." He stated. No sooner had he said it, it began to pour.  "So fill me in on how we create the paradox." River said, shivering. "Do you have your vortex manipulator?" The Doctor asked without even glancing at her. River's mouth dropped open in shock. "How did you know?" She spluttered. "Because you don't have a tardis and anyways how else can you jump around space and time?"River was speechless. "I'm guessing you got it from a lovely fellow by the name of Jack Harkness?" "How do you know that?" She asked, shocked again. "Because I traveled with him and I recognize it as his. Anyways, do you have it or not?" River smiled and pulled down her right arm sleeve. Underneath, strapped to her wrist, was the vortex manipulator. "Ok," Said the Doctor. "Now we create the paradox." He held out his hand for her wrist. She set the dial on the manipulator, and put her wrist into his hand. "1," he counted "2," River held her breath. "3!" He shouted, and together they hit the button on the top of the manipulator. Suddenly they were spinning faster and faster in the time vortex. And just as suddenly as it started, it stopped, and they both dropped from the sky. They were exactly ten minutes earlier then before. They quickly his behind a building, and watched as their past selves walked down the street. The past Doctor stopped and licked his finger, holding it up. "It's going to rain." He stated, and immediately it began to pour. "C'mon." Whispered the present Doctor to River. "What are we going to-" she was cut off as the Doctor lifted their hiding place and fairly sprinted to the past Doctor and River. "Ah," Said the past Doctor looking up.
"Right on time."
The Doctor collided with his past self and there was a flash of light and a gigantic bang. The Two Doctors were gone, and now they're was only one. "C'mon River!" Shouted the Doctor over the explosion, there needs to be two in order for there to be a rip!" River swore quietly to herself and ran as fast as she could towards her past self. They smashed into each other and a bang and flash of light ensued. Far up, in the tiniest corner of the sky, a rip had appeared.
"We did it!" shouted the Doctor, and River nodded, smiling. But their victory was sung to soon, because that's when the Angels started to appear. At first there was only three or four, then there was twenty. The Doctor and River stood back to back, trying to keep their eyes on all of them. River's hand reached instinctively to her holster, and found that her pistol was gone. Cursing herself she realized that she'd left it with Baum.

"What do we do?" Asked River frantically as the Angels closed in. "Um, we, uh, we... I don't know." Said the Doctor, for once out of plans. He took  out his sonic screwdriver and pointed it towards the sky, and the tear started to open faster, but not fast enough. Suddenly, they could here voices, the voices of the Gelth. "It's not opening fast enough, we are going to be dead before that thing opens!" Yelled River, trying to be heard over the voices. "I'm sorry!" The Doctor called back.
But suddenly, there was one voice heard over all. The Doctor turned, and there was Dorothy. She'd climbed to the top of the church's bell tower, and stood there, crying up to the Gelth.

"Come!" She yelled up at the turbulent sky, filled with rain and clouds, "I, Dorothy Gale, shall show you the light! I will bring you back from Oz!" The rip was opening much faster now, the Gelth propelling themselves into it to get to Dorothy. "My mother heard you," she continued, screaming at the sky. "She wasn't strong enough! But I am! I Will be you gateway! Come to me!"
"NO!" Yelled the Doctor and River.
The rip exploded.

The sky was like fire and ashes rained down onto them. "Don't look into the void!" The Doctor bellowed. "It will kill you if you do!" River and the him fell to their knees covering their eyes, backs to the void. The Angels, silently screaming, were sucked into the void. Blue wispy shapes of Gelth tried to reach Dorothy, but the pull of the void was too much. So they joined the Angels, spiraling back into the void screaming.
The time vortex was exposed.
The Angels and Gelth hit the vortex and exploded. The Earth shook, making wimdows shatter and houses fall. But Dorothy, headless to the warning of the Doctor, starred into the Vortex, unable to look away. All of space and time raced through her head, and she felt like she would explode.

Then, without warning, the rip closed and the sky went back to normal. Even the rain stopped. The Doctor looked up. "Dorothy!" He yelled, as she swayed in the bell tower, smoke coming off her clothes and a maniac grin on her face.
Then she fell.
The Doctor and River jerked into action, and started up, running over, and barley catching Dorothy. Seconds before she hit the ground.
"Oh my god," whispered River.
"She did it. Didn't she? She looked into the time vortex, and now she's going to die."

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