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Chapter- 30

Edward POV

Edward- Rose I love you... Please forgive me Rose.. Please...

Rose- you broke my heart... Edward.. You killed.... I.. can never forget that... just be here for Tulip, Zara and Shawn...

And She left... 

She left, once again I have hurt her... I love her.. and I always will... I have lost many people in my life.. I cannot lose her... I understand completely what she must be going on.. How can one love the person who has killed one’s parent.. But I have done due to certain reason... That night I have to take very hard decision, our mother was on dead bed.. I have gone to each possible person for money but they have just turned me down, at last I have to do this awful work.. I have to do this to save my mother life, I have to do this for Tulip... for them I have killed.. I have become gangster... It was in my destiny I have not chosen this... for god sake.. why doesn’t she understand... why........

I was not able to sleep so I went to balcony attached to my room... The night sky was..

The peaceful night sky, luminous and a-glow---

Around each cosmic sphere, a fragile halo!!!

Shining down on us in incandescent streams

Bright silver starlight and lustrous moonbeams!!!

Sky was very beautiful.. Beautiful as Rose... there were many stars.. and in those stars I can see eyes of Rose... Her innocent smile....

I love you Rose.. I love you....

Tears of blood fall from my broken heart
I never thought we would be apart

When you held me you said "forever"
Now that you're gone I know you meant "never"

Saying you love me with that look in your eye
And that was a cold hearted lie

Your tender touch, a soft kiss
Two things about you I will miss

As I sit here thinking about you
My face is wet with tears past due

I should've cried a long time ago
But I loved you so

I know they say love is blind
But I had only you on my mind

A hurt so deep it cuts like a knife 
But wounds heal and I'll go on with my life

As I was going back I saw some lady figure sitting in lawn alone... and at one I know who she was...

Edward- Rose what are you doing here? Its 1 AM at night...

Rose- nothing I am not feeling sleepy.

(I know she is lying, her eyes were red, I know she was crying...)

Edward- Were you crying...

Rose- why do you thing I will cry and for whom...

Edward- I can see you have become good liar. 

 Rose- I don’t lie neither I hide things...

 Edward- Can’t you forget things which were done in past... Cant we have a new start Rose... Cant we... hmmm... Sorry for yelling...

 Rose- Do you think we can?

Love with Gangster!! (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now