Chapter 1

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Hello everyone, I promised my friend that I would create her a One Direction fan fiction, so, here we go! Chapter one, enjoy!


Shannon's P.O.V

One word to describe shopping?


I absolutely hate it, ESPECIALLY clothes shopping.

It should be banned.

You find something nice, it doesn't fit, you find something that fits, it's not nice.

I've only been shopping for about half hour, and I'm already wanting to go home.

I really need to take a break, perhaps get a smoothie?

Yes, that sounds good.

I can see the smoothie cart from here, they look so tasty!

"Can I help?" The man behind the till asked,

"One medium strawberry and banana smoothie please" I said, with a smile, the smile is defiantly the key thing, it basically tells the person that you are nice and your drink should be prepared well.

That makes sense, right?

I was interrupted from my thoughts by him handing my smoothie over.

I handed him three pounds, with another smile, before walking away.

I feel like I've done a good deed now, I feel like smiling to random strangers.

Here we go, smile, smile, oh, he wasn't happy, smile, oh, a smile back!

That's good enough for me!

Okay, I should probably describe myself.

I consider myself to be average, average weight, average height, average looks.

I have shoulder length brown hair and glasses, which I absolutely hate.

Seriously, I hate the glasses, if I had one wish, I'd get perfect vision, no thought required.

Ooh, that looks pretty!

There is a floral styled dress, not to long or short, around the knee height, just my style.

Not too expensive, my size!

I have to have it, right now.

I picked it up and headed straight to the check out.

Finally, something new, I can go home!

I handed over my credit card, and typed in my numbers, no I won't tell you what they are, that is morally wrong, you might rob me.

I picked up the bag and walked out of the shop, oh no!

I forgot to smile, I hope that the guy didn't mind, maybe I should walk back in there, smile, and walk out.

Or is that a bit weird?

I guess I could buy something else in there, no too weird.

Right, before I go home, do I need anything else?

I don't think so, can't hurt to check, right?

Okay, so I might have gone on a rant because I don't like shopping, that was because I had been into four shops already, and had no luck. Makes sense, right?

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