Chapter 9

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New chapter! Sorry it's slightly later than it normally is, I was about to start writing it when I suddenly got sidetracked by an episode of Sherlock. Cure you Moffat! Anyways, I do currently have a little hamster running around on my keyboard, his name is Eddie, and he is adorable! Enjoy the new chapter!


Niall's P.O.V


I mean, wow.

She is the most beautifulest girl I have ever seen.

I mean, seriously, wow.

"Oh, hey guys"

Oh yeah.

We're in Harry's apartment, and he's with a girl.

Well Styles, you picked a good one.

I'll give you that.

I wonder if they're dating?

Nah, Harry would of told us, maybe friends?

Or maybe Harry has a little crush?

Well, he does look quite annoyed, I'm guessing he likes her, I mean, if they were just friends, surely you wouldn't mind of your four best mates walked in through the door.

"So Harry, who's your girlfriend?"

Get straight to the point why don't you Louis, but I suppose he asked the right thing.

Is that a blush?

Is Harry blushing?

"Guys, I'd like you to meet Shannon"

Well, he didn't deny it, that's for sure, so he does like her.




Why are they all looking at me?


Really, laughter?

Gee, thanks guys.

"That little leprechaun is Niall"

Oh, we were introducing ourselves, well, thanks for that Liam.

And a hair ruffle too?

"Liam, just because you don't have hair, does not entitle you to ruffle other peoples"

That actually sounded quite good, I'm glad that I said that without thinking.

"So, what are you guys watching?"

Look at me, Mr Conversation starter!

I usually suck at this, it must be Shannon, maybe she triggered a little spark, that was like, hey, I can start conversations!

"Bridget Jones Diary"

For goodness sake Harry, let the lady speak!

"I'm guessing that Harry picked the film?"

"Yeah, he did"

"And it took a lot of persuading too, this girl is hard to crack"

Well, at least she spoke,I guess three words is something.

"Well, I was just dropping into tell you that the interview this afternoon had been canceled"

Well, we already knew that Liam, oh and now he's dragging Zayn out the door.

Well, I'm surely not leaving Harry alone, I want to find out more about Shannon. 

Shannon's P.O.V

Well, I have now officially met all five members of One Direction.

Not fan girling, not fan girling at all, keep quiet Jenny, there's only two of them now.

You can handle two famous people.

Just think before you speak, easier said than done.

Well, at least now I know that Harry suffers with this too.

I wonder if Niall does?

Hmm, maybe I'll ask him.

But wait, how would I bring that subject up?

Perhaps blurt out something random?

That could work, well, here we go.


Okay, that was slightly loud, and they're both staring at me, if I clamp my hand over my mouth, would it make it more believable?

Well, here we go.

Looked shocked, perfect.

Oscar winning performance.

I should really get an award for this.

I could imagine my speech and everything, 'I owe it all to Louis Tomlinson, and his love of carrots'

Not very prefessional, but neither am I.

"Sorry, sometimes I say things without thinking"

Well, I guess that Harry is use to my innapropriateness by now, as he is back on the sofa, watching the film.

I guess I should join him, oh Niall's coming too.

I guess he's a fan of chick flicks.

"I do that too sometimes"

So he does, I'm brilliant at topics in convosations, aren't I?

Pure genius.

The film is nearly over I can tell from the corner of my eye, that Niall has been staring at me for a while, it's quite freaky.

The screens that way Niall!


Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah.

Is that?

Holy crap, it is.

Niall's arm is around my shoulder.

Really Niall, really?

Don't get me wrong he's great and everything, but I like Harry.

Oh and cue pissed off Harry.

He's staring at Niall, I guess he thinks of me as a sister or something.

"Niall, can I talk to you?"

Hmm, someone looks jealous.

Harry's P.O.V

You're definatley not stealing my girl Niall.

Even if you are Irish.


Oh don't act like you don't know what this is about Horan.

"Can you not make a move on Shan"

"Ooh, you two together"


Is it not obvious that I like her or something?

"So, why should you care?"

Niall, for goodness sake, he's doing this on purpose, he wants me to say it, well, he get's his wish, I'm in no mood to argue with you today, "Because...I like her"

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