Chapter 4

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Harry's on his way to Shannon's flat? And what's that suspicious smell of chicken? All will be answered, in this chapter! (And maybe the next one) Enjoy!


Shannon's P.O.V

Let me get this straight.

THE Harry Styles, of THE One Direction, is coming to my flat?

No, I must be dreaming.


Okay, defiantly awake, and I now have a giant red hand print on my arm.

Not noticeable, not noticeable at all.

Right, four minutes, an entire flat to clean, and One Direction things to hide.

This will be tricky, sounds like a job for...SUPER SHANNON!

Hells yeah, I could be a super hero.

I have one of those faces, that can just pull off a mask.

That may of sounded slightly strange, oh well!

Okay, most important things first, so hide the Harry!

I mean the doll.

Not actually Harry.

Where would I hide Harry?

I doubt he would fit in my One Direction box, he is after all 180cm high.

Is it sad that I know that?


Where as my Harry doll is 33cm.

Bit of a difference there.

Anyways, my One Direction box.

I shall do my ninja like moves to get the box.

I mean, I have to be sneaky, what if someone is hiding in my room, just waiting to see my get my box and be like 'I KNEW IT!'.

I can't stand that.

Hmm, looks like no one is here.

I think it's safe.

Grazed elbow, great, maybe diving onto the floor was not such a great idea.

And there it is, dear mother of God, it's beautiful.

Careful now Shannon, this box is precious, one false move and it could break.

It kind of creeps me out slightly when I open this box up, there's always four faces staring at me.

Well, now there can be five.

Okay, I can't look through my things now, I have...ONE MINUTE?

Quick, box back under bed, clean up now.

Forming sentences is hard!

Damn you Harry doll!

What with my neediness to question your height.

Did that make sense?

I don't care anymore!


Okay Shannon, breathe.

It's not like you haven't met him before.

He's just dropping your phone off, he'll be here for what, five minutes?

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