Chapter 13

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Sorry for the late update! My Internet decided to die, literally. But here we are, a new chapter, enjoy!


Harry's P.O.V

"Did she see us?" "I think we were pretty obvious Haz" God damn it, we make the worst spy's ever. "Do you think she bought any carrots?" Seriously, Lou? That's all you can think about? "You do realise that we're full stocked up on carrots, due to your shopping trip" Now, what I mean by shopping trip, was when Louis went out to get us some food as we had nothing in, and he returned with two carrier bags full the the brim with carrots, I really hope we don't get sick of them anytime soon. "You can never have too many carrots, Harry" "You really can Lou" Wait, where's he gone? Oh, of course, he went to get a carrot. This obsession is really un natural, luckily it's over something healthy. "What did you say about my babies?" Oh no, now he's getting protective, I can soon see this getting ugly, "Nothing" Walk fast Styles, walk fast. I guess I better go see Shannon, I mean, it's been a good half hour since I last saw her. I better shower first, and get changed too, but you know, I am dreamy, mysterious and sexy. Maybe that was slightly over confident, I shall work on that later!

Shannon's P.O.V

"Oh Harry, I love you too, of course I'll go out with you!" Talking to dolls is easy, if only. Time to pack them up! KNOCK KNOCK! Oh crap, who could that be? Is the box safely under the bed, and out of view? Yes, yes it is. "COME IN!" Now then, is it a cold caller, or a friend? I suppose I should get off the floor just in case it's a friend and they see me on the floor, they might investigate the surrounding area, and find my box, and exploit it to the word. Okay, I may be panicking, I'm sure it's fine. So, it is a friend. But who? "Hello-o?" Well that sums that down. A male voice, quite deep, slow talker, I wonder who this could be? The one the only, Harry Styles! "Sup" And here I am, practicing my gangsta side. "Come to spy on me again?" Yeah that's right Styles, I saw you, or should I say, Hazzatron! "Maybe" He openly admits it! Well, sort of. I mean, he didn't deny it. "So, why were you spying on me, Hazzatron?" Oh crap. "Hazzatron, eh?" Must, think, before speaking! "You didn't answer my question" "Oh, Lou saw you walking back to the flats and I had a look too, it happened to be just at the moment you looked up" That really made no sense Styles, all I heard, was, 'I Hazzatron, and my accomplice Louthor, were spying on you and you caught us!' Just smile and nod Shannon, smile and nod. "You had no idea what I said, did you?" And shake your head Shannon, just shake your head. The ovary exploding laugh! Does he not want me to be able to reproduce? That monster! "So, why are you here" Yeah that's right Styles, Shannon gets right to the point, no messing around with her! "Just had nothing to do" Glad to know that you care so much about me, Harry. "So, you came to me" I was about to grab a teddy cat and stroke it doing the 'I've been expecting you' face, but Harry was already sat on my sofa, and was turning the TV on. Well, no need to ask my permission. "Anything good on?" "Nope" Well, I guess there never is anything good on, that was kind of a stupid question. "Oh, and by the way, the boys and I have an interview tomorrow, and there is a live audience, and I was wondering of you wanted to join us?" Me? Am I hearing this right? I, Shannon Harrop, have been invited, by the Harry Styles, to watch a live interview? How could I possibly refuse that? "Sure, I guess I have nothing on" Smooth Shannon, real smooth.

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