Chapter 21

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The tour bus adventures, well, anyways that's what I'm calling this chapter. It might not be an adventure, but you know, there on tour. Enjoy!


Shannon's P.O.V

"We're going on tour, we're going on tour!" "Louis, stop being annoying" Ten minutes on the road and I'm already considering locking Louis in the bathroom. I think everyone else is too, if I did it, I'd be considered a hero. Maybe I'd be ignited and have a title, Lady Shannon, defender of the annoyance, that sounds pretty good actually. Wait, why is he rolling the windows down "NO LOUIS NO!" Well, whatever it was it caused Zayn to tackle him to the floor. I sure hope he calms down soon, I was hoping to catch up on some much needed rest. Well, at least Harry can sleep, how has he not woken up? He didn't even stir when Niall and I performed a reenactment of a zombie apocalypse, even when Niall went for his brains and ended up getting hair in his mouth, now that was a sight. Liam seems to be more interested in the TV than us, Zayn is still pinning Louis down to the floor and Niall, well, he found the food, I might as well join Harry. The beds are pretty big so I guess I'm sharing. Harry looks adorable when he's asleep, the beds are really comfortable, which is strange because they're on a bus.

Harry's P.O.V

What's with all the laughing? I don't want to wake up yet, my guess is that we're not even close to our first stop. Wait, flashes? As in camera flashes? It can't be paparazzi as there are no screams and we're not being bombarded with questions. I guess I better wake up. "What's so funny?" "Nothing" Wait, they're on there phones, is that Twitter I see? Best check my phone, you never know what goes on in their heads. Great. Pictures of me and Shannon cuddling in bed, real mature guys, real mature. The fans have no idea who she is, they're naming her mystery girl, but they've tagged her in the photos, so surely the fans know who she is. Oh dear, she's already getting hate. Not good, not good at all. "What are you looking at?" Crap."Oh, nothing, wait, what are you doing?" "Checking Twitter" Oh no, she's going to see all the hate and probably get upset and blame me and, wait, is she laughing? "Have you seen this? I have a hater page! Quick guys, get in a picture with me" What is she doing? I'm not going to lie, I am slightly confused.

Shannon's P.O.V

This is hilarious, I now receive Twitter hate. I shall tag my hater page in this picture of me and the guys, and caption it, 'haters gonna hate'. I'm too good,my gangsta poses will send them furious. I mean, if they hate me that much, that they made a hater page dedicated to me, the least I can do is provide them with the material to do so. Harry looks so confused, oh his face, it's just too funny. Maybe I should tell him what's going on? Nah, too much explaining. Oh no, Louis got away from Zayn, it's going to be a long day.

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