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"And this is where you will stay Grell." You said leading the two reapers upstairs.

Grell held the two lenses up to his eyes and scanned the room. He cringed at the color.

"Blue? How ugly! I wanted red!" Grell pouted.

Undertaker clicked his tongue and pushed the red head in the room. Grell ended up falling on the ground. You held in a giggle, but Undertaker fell to the ground laughing.


"That's how I show my love to you~" Undertaker said grinning.

Grell mumbled, and pushed you and Undertaker out the room... Well he ended up shoving you both to the wall...

"Grell! You're crushing us into the wall!" You shouted.

You were bright red as the red reaper shoved you into Undertakers chest. He was shoved against the wall, and laughed the whole time.

"I can't see a thing! Ah!" Grell shouted stomping over to the bed.

"S-sorry..." You mumbled stepping back from Undertaker.

Undertaker grinned and patted your head. This literally made you redder than Grell's hair.

"(Y/n)~ Do you have any tape on you? I believe I should at least fix Grell's glasses I worry he may end up hurting himself." Undertaker said.

You nodded walking out the room. Anything to get away from the two guys. You came back with tape, and handed it back to Undertaker. He thanked you and taped Grell's glasses together.

"William is going to take my chainsaw for sure! I'll be stuck with paper scissors forever!" Grell cried holding his somewhat fixed glasses.

"Oh I'll just tell William it was my fault. The worst he would do to me is raise the fee on the books I still have." Undertaker said waving his long sleeve.

You had no idea what they were talking about. You and Undertaker were then shoved out the room. Grell slammed the door shut, and left you two out in the hall.

"So? Where shall I be staying hm?" Undertaker asked with a grin.

"Oh yeah. Well you can stay in this room here." You said walking over to a room across from yours.

You opened up the door and found Alan asleep on the bed.

"Oh! Sorry Undertaker I didn't know Alan was sleeping in here." You said grabbing the pup.

"No need for apologizes I did miss that doggy~" Undertaker said grabbing Alan and smiled at him.

"I have to go get ready for bed. If you need anything I'm across the hall." You said as you left.

You relaxed as you slipped in bed. It has been quite a day. You looked at the moon from the window.

"Beautiful..." You whispered as you fell asleep.

~time skip~

"Hey... Hey wake up... Undertaker!"

Grell hissed at the sleeping reaper. Finally he smacked the man who woke up with a sudden yelp.

"Grell? What was that for?" Undertaker asked rubbing his face.

"For everything!" Grell hissed.

Undertaker sat up in bed, and rubbed his eyes yawning. He never really liked being woken up, but here he was dealing with it.

"What is it you want?" Undertaker asked.

"I was up looking for the bathroom, and I found it thankfully my bladder was about I explode..."

"I highly doubt something like that would happen." Undertaker said.

"Anyways! I was walking back to my room but I couldn't help but hear (y/n) crying. It was quite loud since I could hear it from outside the hall." Grell said.

Undertaker suddenly stopped yawning, and looked at Grell. Even in the dark Grell could see the mans glowing eyes.

"What do you think is wrong with her?" Undertaker asked.

Grell swung his arms out in the air, and gave the man a face.

"Oh! Like I would know! I just came to tell you since you're in love with the girl. It's your duty to comfort her! If only Bassy would comfort me in his big strong arms..." Grell than began to daydream.

Undertaker rolled his eyes, and began to stand up. Grell suddenly went red.


"Y-you're not wearing any shirt... Or pants...I..." Grell began to cover his bleeding nose.

Undertaker clicked his tongue, and shook his head.

"Did you actually think I sleep in my usual outfit?" Undertaker asked sliding on his black undershirt.

"Honestly... I thought you never took that outfit off, and I thought you slept only in coffins." Grell replied.

"I have a bed you know~ I just sleep in the coffins for fun ehehe~" Undertaker chuckled as he slid his pants on.

"I see... Well this sleeping beauty needs her beauty sleep. Have fun with (y/n)~" Grell said giving a sly grin and a wink.

Undertaker felt a light blush on his face.

'That damn fool...' He thought.

Love in Death (Reader X Undertaker)Where stories live. Discover now