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A/N: Hello! I'm back please forgive me for not updating! I didn't have access to WiFi until now, and I'll be writing again! I'll be writing and posting new stories as well! Thank you all for the votes and feedback it means a lot!


Brian looked up at the man in black. All he could see where glowling green eyes and that deadly scythe. Brian still clutched onto the corpses hand.

"I've warned her about you... yet she didn't listen to a word I said."

Brian looked up at the reaper with anger. He could see the sickening grin of the man.

"It's was her choice! You did this! Why!?" Brian shouted at the reaper.

His anger grew when he heard the other man start laughing. He looked back down at the dead beauty with his tear filled eyes.

"Isn't it obvious?"

The only reply Brian received from the Undertaker...

"Brian? Hey... Brian!"

Brian suddenly felt a hard slap against his face, and looked around. He was suddenly face to face with (Y/N).

"W-what?" Brian managed to say.

(Y/N) sighed in relief as she let go of Brian's shoulders.

"I don't know you suddenly went quiet and started shaking and whimpering. Are you alright?" (Y/N) asked full of concern.

Brian flushed red in embarrassment, and no slowly nodded his head.

"Y-yes... I'm fine I was just thinking of something... I um... (Y/N) I realized you aren't the person I wanted to speak to. I wish to speak with..."

He was interrupted by a loud crash, and both Brian and (Y/N) jumped to their feet.

"What was that?" Brian asked.

"I have no clue let go find out!" (Y/N) said rushing out the room.

Brian followed behind you as you both reached the living room. Grell was lying on the floor while Undertaker rolled on the ground laughing. The first thing your realized was a broken mirror.

"What happened?" (Y/N) asked.

Undertaker couldn't even speak due to his laughter, but Grell on the other hand was already in his dramatic state.

"Oh! It was horrible (Y/N)! I was going to check myself before leaving, and... I saw something horrible!" Grell shouted leaning against a chair.

While the redhead and (Y/N) were talking Brian glanced over at Undertaker. Undertaker seemed to have notice immediately as his laughter died dowm.

"Um... (Y/N)? It's terribly late and I have errands to complete I'll see you later!" Brian said with a smile.

"So soon? Well okay then... be careful. Undertaker can you please walk him out?" (Y/N) said still trying to control the crying redhead.

"With pleasure~" Undertaker said with a grin.

Brian followed the mortician, and grabbed a hold of his wrist.

"You. I wish to speak with you in private." Brian said with a glare.

"Oh? Well that can be arrange. My shop at midnight?" Undertaker said pulling his arm away.

Brian nodded with a glare, and walked out the open door.

"See you soon~" Undertaker said with a chuckle.

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