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Today was the day. You stood in front of the mirror and checked to be sure everything was in order. You sighed and walked over to the window looking out to the sky. The funeral of your dear grandmother. You waited for the carriage to arrive to take you to the funeral. You didn't really know how to handle such things. You quickly noticed the familiar carriage that belonged to Brian. You walked downstairs and gave Alan a treat before you left the house. Brian was already waiting outside for you with a gentle smile.

"(Y/n) you look nice. I'm sorry for today." He frowned.

A small smile crawled onto your face as you climbed the carriage. Brian handed you a white tulip and closed the door. As you both headed off to the graveyard you looked over the tulip and frowned. Once the carriages stopped Brian opened the door and held his hand out. You took it and hopped off.

"Thank you. I'll see you there." You said walking into the church.

Numerous of people were all seated. You didn't know any of them. You assumed they must have been friends or associates of your grandmother. You made it to the front and took a seat. The coffin was open just like she wanted. An open casket.

"Hello (L/n). Mind if I sit by you?"

You looked over and met with Ciel Phantomhive and his butler. You nodded and scooted over for the child and man to sit down.

"Terribly sorry for your loss." Sebastian said.

"I say. How has your stay here been?" Ciel asked.

"It's been great. I've settled in nicely." You replied.

"No troubles?" He asked looking at you.

You shook your head and continued with the small talk, but went quiet as the ceremony began. While the father was talking you looked around and didn't see Undertaker. Shrugging it off you waited until the ceremony was done. People one by one went up to the open casket to say there final farewell to your dear grandmother. You stepped up and looked down at her fragile corpse. You admired how beautiful she looked.

"She was quite the work~" an eerie voice spoke.

"Undertaker? I thought you weren't here." You said looking over the him.

"What kind of funeral would it be without me? After all I put the fun in funeral eheheh~" He snickered.

"How disrespectful Undertaker." Ciel scoffed walking up to you two.

"You know how I am at such things Earl~" the Undertaker cooed waving his hand at the child.

"Of course..." He sighed and looked at you. "Terribly sorry we must be leaving soon. I hope to see you again (L/n). Why don't you come by the manor tomorrow for dinner? I'll send Sebastian out to pick you up." Ciel said.

"That'd be nice thank you." You said and shook his hand.

Once Ciel left you looked back at Undertaker who seemed to have a irritated look. You were about to question why, but decided against it. The workers carried out the coffin out to the graveyard and you followed along with the rest of the crowd. You stayed in the back as they buried your grandmother.

"You doing okay?" Brian asked suddenly standing beside you.

"I guess." You sighed and looked down.

Brian lifted your head and smiled. Those blue eyes seemed to have a different shine to them. You smiled and pushed his hand away.

"Stop that." You chuckled lightly.

"(Y/n) I couldn't help but notice you talking with the Phantomhive boy." Brian said looking at you rather coldly.

"Yes. We had a small conversation nothing more than that." You replied.

Brian nodded his head but kept looking at you. You felt rather uncomfortable from his cold gaze. Finally some people who stayed for the burial walked up to you to speak. That's how the day went. You spoke with people who knew your grandmother. Heard stories of her, and how they met her. It was all nice until everyone all left but you. You looked at the tombstone and smiled a bit.

"Rest now grandmother." You whispered before walking away.

You said your goodbye to Undertaker who had another funeral to attend to. He wished you a safe trip and left. The day was nice so you dismissed the carriage ride and decided to take a small stroll through town. You had the sudden feeling someone was following you, but every time you looked over your shoulder nothing. Until finally you reached an empty streets and felt a hand roughly grab your shoulder.


Love in Death (Reader X Undertaker)Where stories live. Discover now