The Undertaker

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You waited for your head to crash onto the wooden floor, but nothing happened. You slowly opened your eyes, and noticed your face was only a few inches away from the ground.

"Careful my dear~ I didn't mean to frighten you eheheh~"

You suddenly felt someone lift you back on your feet. Once again your face was crimson red as the man let go of you. He towered over you. You looked up at him, and blushed more. He was a tall man with long grey hair that covered his eyes. He wore a black robe with a grey scarf tied across his chest. Although you couldn't see his eye you could see a scar, and that smile that never left his face.

"Staring is quite rude my dear~" he spoke up.

"O-oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean t- I just thought you wer- then the book, and I lost my bala- I'm very sorry for staring at you!" You stuttered and shook a bit.

The man just stood there before bursting into a fit of laughter.


You noticed that the building seemed to shake, and heard a loud thud outside. Maybe that sign fell off...

"W-what's so funny?" You asked.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Ah! Oh! My sides hurts! Ehehehe!" The man laughed as he fell to the ground.

You couldn't stop your face from turning red. Was he laughing at you? How rude! You began to get angry.

"It's not nice to laugh at others!" You shouted heading for the door.

Before you reached the door knob you were pulled back and held by the man.

"Leaving so soon? I didn't even catch your name dear~ ehehe~" the man giggled and held you.

You were surprised to be held so close to a man you just met... Wait you didn't even know his name yet!

"M-my name is (F/n) (L/n).." You barley said.

"Ah! You wouldn't be here for Miss (L/n) would you?" He asked leaning close to your face.

"Y-yes I am... That's my grandma." You said.

He smiled and let go of you. He walked back to his desk and sat down.

"I've been wondering if anyone was going to show up for her. I have everything already prepared eheheh~" he giggled as he opened up a book.

You walked to the desk and stood there awkwardly. He looked through a few pages and found what he was looking for.

"Ehehehe~ I already scheduled for her funeral. It shall be next week dear~" he said looking back at you.

You blushed, and looked down quick. Even though you couldn't see his eyes you felt as if he was looking right at you.

"Is there anything I have to do? How much will it be?" You asked.

Before you could blink the man was right in front of your face barley inches away to be exact.

"I have no need for the Queens coins! All I ask for is a joke! Ehehe~" he said doing a small dance while drooling.

You stepped back very confused. Was this man being serious?

"A joke?" You asked.

"Yes! A first rate laugh!" The man shouted holding you by the shoulders.

"I uh...don't know any good jokes, but I can give it a shot I suppose.." You said a bit unsure.

"Yes! Give it to me now dear!" He said almost begging.

Love in Death (Reader X Undertaker)Where stories live. Discover now