05 | smiles

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ashton irwin

I was so nervous, I was so so incredibly nervous. Here I was, stood outside the restaurant about thirty minutes early and basically shitting my pants with anticipation. I hadn't been in a date in so long, I had no idea how to act or what to say and Noah wasn't exactly helpful. His advice was just to say shitty pick up lines until he eventually gives in but I was so nervous I felt like I was going to throw up.

I had never met this man, he could have been a rapist or a serial killer for all I knew, but Noah was very persistent that he would at least wait until the third date to do either of those things. Or even both of them, who knows?

I sat on the bar stool of an outside part of the bar next to the restaurant and tapped my foot on the metal feet holder anxiously, was it too late to go home? I could just send a text saying I got sick or some crap like that, yet as time went forward a couple minutes, I decided to just stay and see where this would lead.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I jumped, a foot getting caught in the metal holder, luckily someone caught me, "Woah, steady, steady, you alright?" I managed to regain my balance, with a lot of help from the stranger and stood up straight, smiling a little, "Yeah, sorry about that and thank you, I don't think I'd much like crashing face first into the ground."

A chuckle escaped the strangers lips and I looked at him, he had the kind of hair that was a mess of curls at the top, it kind of reminded me of Troye Sivan's. He had nice green eyes too, a glimpse of a tan and hell if I didn't fall in love right there, "Are you by any chance Connor?"

"Why yes, Connor Xavier at your service." He had a goofy grin on his face as he did a mock bow and I let out a small laugh and I shook his hand when he straightened himself up again, "I'm Ashton Irwin, but you can call me Ashton."

"You have a beautiful smile Ashton, shall we go inside?" I blushed and nodded as he took my hand once again and opened the door for me on the way in, finding our table not too soon after, we sat down and had a look at the menu before order, and then just talking.

It hadn't occurred to me how much I had missed out on the whole dating front since Luke was the main relationship in my life. It felt good to get out again and even though I had only been out for not even 10 minutes with Connor I felt safe and was having a great time.

I had found out that he likes the colour maroon, he has an older sister, he loves how i met your mother and that 70's show. He was pretty open about his past, seemingly nothing bad had happened. He came from a loving and full family and he wasn't working as of now, apparently his work was seasonal or something.

I, in return, told him about my family and the whole re-marrying thing. We also shared some other random facts and we both paid for our separate meals, me not really believing in the whole "one person pays for the entire meal", I found that a bit rude and dependant. Plus how would you even decide who paid?

It was just much easier to assume you were paying for your own meal and then stick to that assumption.

It was around nine twenty two when we left and since it was still early we just sat on the outside bit of the bar, where I had originally been waiting for him, "Oh! I have something for you!"

I held the flower in my hand, looking confusedly, I looked back up at Connor, "A yellow tulip?"

"It stands for "there's a sunshine in your smile", according to some website, though I'm assuming you already new that," he smiled shyly, "I might have heard from an anonymous source that you liked the whole flower thing, thought I'd try it out."

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