The boy next door

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Part 1
Banging and shouting woke me up on the first time this week I got a lie in.I spun over seeing it was half nine, today was the day I were getting some new neighbours and frankly they were extremely loud. Our houses were separated by a decent distance but yet the noise till echoed through my room, probably because I was the closet.
'Gemma I dibs this room' I heard faintly as our new neighbours shouted. I could hear the sound of their gates shutting which most probably meant all their things were here. With my room it was at the corner of the house. One of the walls faces out to the garden, with the balcony on, the view is beautiful as we live infront of fields, I guess you could say it's like the country side but busier, the houses are gigantic because really the wealthier people live here and I guess you could say my family were one of them, my father owns a chain of businesses and my mother has her own clothing label which is fairly well known, a lot of the celebs were her brand so it brings a lot of money in. One of my other walls faces our new neighbours house. I have a big window there which I will have to keep covered because everyone can see in it, well our new neighbours anyway.
As I was wide awake now I rolled over off my bed pulling my hair into a high ponytail and put a vest top and shorts on. Like every morning I opened the doors to my balcony heading out to see what the weather was like. The sun shone brightly as I walked out immediately feeling the heat. My horses were already in the field which my dad probably did. I leant on the edge admiring the view as I did I heard the voices of people I hadn't met yet but still recognised them from the loudness of this morning. My eyes travelled across as I saw four people walk out of the the balcony which was next to mine.
'I choose the right room, this view is stunning' a boy with a chocolate brown curly hair that was messily pushed up in to a quiff voiced
'Its just all around beautiful I'm ever so happy we've moved here' a more feminine voice said by this point I had turned my head away and was looking out as I saw my dad walk out into the garden.
'Oh Chloe darling you are awake, fantastic, do you fancy a ride on the horses I'm going for a ride now would you care to join?' My dad was very well spoken as he was born into money and lived in the upper class part of London
'Of course Daddy I'll just put some shoes on, could you put the softer saddle on Tilly please as I'm wearing some shorts' I replied to him as I turned around seeing the curly haired boy looking at me. He gave me a lop sided smile as I saw he had dimple on the side I could see. I returned the favour as I walked inside putting on my converses and heading to the garden. As I walked out I heard a cough coming from above me. Once again I turned around to see the same boy looking down at me. He brought his hand up to wave as I waved back
'Hi I'm Harry' he said with the same sort of smile as before
'Its lovely to meet you Harry, I'm Chloe' you shielded your eyes from the sun as he chuckled lightly at you
'Its such a beautiful view from up here'
'Yeah looking out upon the fields is gorgeous'
'Im not looking at the fields am I?' He chuckled to himself as I immediately blushed
'Right erm okay, I'm going to go out of the fields now my dad will be waiting, it was nice to meet you' I replied turning round mentally slapping myself
'Pleasure was all mine' I heard him say in the back ground as I walked off slightly jogging to be able to just be free in the woods where I always ride my horses.
I jumped over the fence and saw my dad with two horses already set up, he helped me on as he got on and started walking around I followed him as he started talking
'Chloe have you met our new neighbours yet?'
'I've met the boy none of the others why? Have you?'
'No not exactly, your mother and I saw them earlier and had a conversation with the two adults and the girl the boy was already off'
'Oh right, I think he's got the room that's by mine, I saw him on the balcony before I came out and spoke to him'
'Oh that's wonderful, they seem like lovely people, we should invite them over for dinner tonight, I will go talk to your mother now you stay out here and ride' I nodded as I lightly kicked Tilly for her to speed up as she went Into a trot.
I had been riding for the past hour as I came around the gate where I saw someone sitting on the fence. I went closer and saw that is was Harry, Tilly trotted me over as he gave me a smile
'Did you have a nice ride?' He asked getting off the fence and coming over to stroke the horse
'Yes it was lovely thank you, not to sound rude right now but how comes you're here? Most people stay on their own land out here' I chuckled at the end so I didn't sound too rude and gave him a smile
'Well we were invited to your house and your dad said you were still riding but you'd probably be back soon so I sat on there waiting for you' as he spoke I climbed off Tilly bringing her reins around to the front
'Two things, why did he tell you that and why were you waiting for me here you could have waited at my house for me?'
'Because I asked if you were back and well I wanted to see you on my own'
'Harry, you don't know anything about me to be asking questions or wanting to be with me' he sighed as he stepped closer
'Well let me know about you then'
'Thats for another time, I need to put my horse away' I spun around as I walked to the stable hearing foot steps behind me but yet he stayed silent
'Harry' he gave me a little smirk as I tried to read his face but nothing
'I told you I wanted to be on my own with you so that's what I'm doing'
'Fine' by now I was in the stable as I took off the saddle leaving Tilly on the field as I headed into the hay stack to get her some more hay.
'Sit' Harry asked as I gave him a confused glance. 'Just sit please' I sat down as he sat next to me
'Tell me about yourself' he asked looking at me watching my every move
'What do you want to know?'
'Tell me the basics now and I'll then ask you what I want to know'
'Okay My name is Chloe as you know, I'm 18 I like horse riding erm I don't know Harry you can't put me on the spot like that' he chuckled lightly
'I feel like I've known you my whole life now Chloe there's nothing else I want to know' he's voice filled with sarcasm as I pushed him lightly causing him to push me back and both of us to laugh
'I'll ask you some things then, what's your favourite film?' He asked as he played with his hands
'Hunger games'
'Good choice, what about your favourite tv show?'
'Hawaii five 0'
'Hmm never watched it, what music do you like?'
'Im into the charts and a things that's on there'
'Are you single?' He smirked at me as I felt his arm go around the back of the hay behind me
'Maybe' I replied watching his face smirk even more
'Maybe always means yes darling, thanks for making that easy for me' he started leaning in as I pulled away
'Erm Harry like I said earlier you don't know anything about me to think you can try it on with me'
'Well I know your 18, your favourite film is hunger games, your favourite program is Hawaii five 0 and you like horse riding'
'Ha you're not funny, I'm not that easy Harry you have to earn your way here'
'Dont worry darling you won't be saying that soon, when you see me next door out of your bedroom'
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