Part 7

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Long Harry #imagine

The boy next door

Part 7

Harry had me sitting on his bed with him crouched down in front of me, my heart was beating fast and my breathing was quicker. Neither of us had said anything we just say there trying to think

'I'm sorry I didn't know she was your sister' he stuttered not really knowing what to say

'You know how much I hate her Harry now you've just completely humiliated me now! Thanks for that you dick head' I replied not making eye contact with him

'Don't act like the obsessive girlfriend Chloe! We aren't even together, so why can't I kiss other girls?' He said standing up trying to defend himself

'Fuck off Harry I'm not! One you were calling me your girlfriend tonight so don't call me your girlfriend if you want to do things with other girls two you can kiss other girls if we aren't together but not my fucking sister Harry! Anyone else I wouldn't have acted the way I had but its the fact it was her' a tear trickled down my cheek as I quickly wiped it away hoping Harry didn't notice but he did. I guess there was hiding secrets tonight.

'Chloe babe, I promise you if I knew that was your sister it never would of happened, if I could take it back I would, I wouldn't have kissed anyone only you because I really do like you Chloe' he said sitting next to me on his bed putting an arm around me pulling me into his chest

'Harry you just don't understand it! She's made my life a misery for the past 13 years of my life! Ever since I was five it's been a constant competition with her and now this is another thing she has over me! I knew she would do this! I knew she would try it on with you just to hurt me and you were stupid enough to fall for it! I even told her you were my boyfriend so she wouldn't try it on with you thinking she had some class! She hates me Harry and I hate her! She tried to ruin mine and my dads relationship, mine and Dan's, mine and My mum's Harry and now she's trying to do the same with you! Argh why did you have to be so fucking stupid' I put my head in my hands and I tried to shake Harry off of me but it didn't work

'She hasn't came between us Chloe I promise, I still like you and I know you still like me' he hugged me tighter now as I sobbed a little.

'Remember that day on the field when you'd said I'd fall for you but you'd just break my heart, I was so stupid to think that maybe that would change and I would break your heart not the other way round! I stupidly liked you and now looks what's happened' I mumbled knowing Harry could hear my every word

'Chloe I'd said them things because I never realised I would like you so much! I keep my cards close but with you I feel like I can let them down and you'll still like me. I know you're hurt but so am I! I'm sorry Chloe' he kissed my cheek, temple and forehead as he said his words

'Why are you hurt Harry! I've done nothing to hurt you!'

'Because you're crying and I'm the reason for that! The night was going to well babe, please don't let one little thing like this ruin it' he pulled me back so we were both laying down now as our heads were against Each other

'The stupid thing is I can forgive you! I know what she's like and I know she would have been the one to try it on with you or if not throwing herself at you, but why were you on the stairs?'

'Am I forgiven?' Harry asked smiling slightly

'Once you tell me why you were going upstairs' he nodded his head as his mouth opened letting his words come out

'Well once you went out I was going to come up here and one make sure no one was up here having sex and two I was going to make sure my room was tidy and everything was in place for you'

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