Part 6

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Long Harry #imagine
The boy next door
Part 6
I was sitting at my house with Chelsea as we were doing a few shots before going to Harry's it was now half 8 and we wanted to make sure the party was in full swing before we arrived, Harry's Mum Anne and Robin were at my house to get away from the party vibe, annoyingly they had told my sister she should go and meet Gemma and Harry so she did although she was still getting ready.
'Dan, Cassie we're leaving so if you're coming with us come now' I shouted Dan started walking downstairs with his friend Matt who was absolutely gorgeous, if he wasn't like a brother to me I so would go there but considering we treat each other like brother and sister it just wouldn't be right.
'I will meet you there' Cassie shouted down as all four of us headed to the living room to say bye, Dan and I hugged our parents and I gave Anne and Robin a kiss on the cheek telling Anne I'd make sure Harry wasn't too drunk which she seemed extremely thankful about.
We walked into Harry's where the music was blasting and there were many drunken people dancing dirty on each other. Thankfully all four of us were pretty tipsy so we fitted in with the environment, we made our way to the kitchen to get some drinks when I scanned where we were walking to look for Harry but I couldn't see him so I decided to text him
'Where are you styles? We're here x'
With in seconds I got a reply going 'Garden sexy xxxx' Chelsea and I walked outside as we saw Harry standing with around 7 or 8 people, I felt Chelsea nudge my arm pointing to a boy two people away from Harry as she mumbled 'he's gorgeous' I nodded in agreement to her he was pretty gorgeous. At that exact moment Harry saw me as he came stumbling over to me throwing his arms around me kissing my face, I could smell the alcohol on his breath and taste it as he kissed my lips, I let out a small chuckle as he pulled me to his friends
'Boys this is my girlfriend Chloe' he stuttered showing me off to his friends
'Erm Friend Harry' I replied correcting him as he shook his head quickly
'No Chloe you're my girlfriend, I love you so for tonight I'm going to pretend you're mine got it' I nodded my head as him as he kissed me again
'Good baby, now you look so sexy, I told you to come sexy but I didn't mean this sexy. Boys doesn't she look sexy? You're boobs in the dress are you trying to make me horny' he drunkenly confessed to me as I slightly hid my face in his chest feeling so embarrassed that Harry has just said that
'Harry she's well sexy considering she's not your girlfriend mind if I have a crack?' I could hear the jokiness in the guys voice as I felt Harry stiffen up next to me
'If you touch my beautiful beautiful girl I will seriously punch you Will so don't fucking touch her okay?' Harry protectively said as he held onto me tighter as the boy who's name was Will just burst out laughing at Harry.
'Lets go inside baby' Harry whispered into my ear as I turned to see where Chelsea was to ask her if she wanted to come inside but however she was far too engrossed in conversation with the boy she found good looking, Harry took my hand as he lead me through the kitchen and to the hallway where there were only a few people, he backed me to the wall as he started to kiss me roughly, to annoy him i kept biting his lip or tongue when he slipped it into my mouth. After teasing him for a little bit I finally kissed back as his hand roamed my body till we were both out of breath and pulled back, out the corner of my eye I saw Cassie walk through the door, she saw me with a smirk on her face as she went into the front room. Harry saw how much expression changed as he held my hands
'Whats up?' He said giving me a little pout
'The witch just arrived' I told him as he chuckled
'Hey don't let her ruin your night baby I'm here and well I know something that will make your time here more pleasurable' he smirk at me as I slapped his arm playfully
'Harry there's so many people here, I'm not having sex with you now' he pouted as I kissed him quickly and pulled him with me to dance. I was grinding against him as his hands were on my hips. Chelsea, Dan, Matt and some of Harry's friends came and joined us, I moved from Harry as Chelsea and I started dancing together how we normally did doing a few slut drops.
'Can we get a drink love?' Chelsea said as I nodded telling Harry giving him a kiss, we both went to have a drink and then went outside so Chelsea could have a cigarette, as we walked outside Cassie walked in giving me a smirk and I just walked past her and walked outside, I did twos with Chelsea as we spoke about the party. Once we finished her cigarette we walked back inside, Chelsea went straight back to Harry's friend as I tried to find Harry. I searched all downstairs but I couldn't see him so I went to the stairs and right then I saw Cassie kissing Harry, he looked like he was trying to push her off but didn't really mean it. I stood there for a minute not knowing what to say when Harry started to kiss her back. They were on the 7th step as Cassie walked up one slightly pulling Harry with her which he didn't decline. My heart was slowly breaking as I noticed Harry pull away from their kiss, I saw Cassie's eye fall on me as she smirked proudly with herself.
'IS THAT REALLY HOW YOU TREAT A FAMILY MEMBER OF YOURS YOU SELFISH BITCH. I FUCKING HATE YOU!' I screamed at her over the music which I'm guessing a lot of people could hear as her smirk grew bigger as Harry's head darted around to where I was standing. Guilt washed over his face as my blood boiled, yes I was annoyed at Harry but he didn't know that was my sister however she knew that was Harry and she thought he was my boyfriend after what I told her.
'Aw don't cry Chloe you clearly aren't what he wants if he's willing to kiss other girls' she laughed as I started to get furious
'YOU'RE MEANT TO BE MY FUCKING SISTER! DID YOU REALLY JUST SET OUT TO HURT ME LIKE THAT! YOU KNEW THAT WAS HARRY SO WHY?' I screamed again as Harry slowly backed away from Cassie and made his way to me. By now Dan and Matt were in the hall way staring at me as I screamed.
'Well I guess so, I wanted to see what must have been so terrible about the boy for him to like you but I can't find one thing, he's even a great kisser' that was it. I was angry enough now as I barged past Harry and grabbed Cassie, I punched her in the face as she grabbed my hair causing me to do the same back. All of the guys let it carry on as they didn't know what to do until I had Cassie's head pulled back ready to punch her again
'Harry I told you, you could go for anyone but her and what do you do you go for her! Does she look fucking pretty now' I semi shouted at Harry as he stood there in shock
'You don't satisfy him Chloe' Cassie smirked as my hand lowered to her face as she got pulled away by dan, Dan was holding her back as she laughed
'He doesn't love you, you're just a little bit of fun in his life love, he will dump you soon enough' she laughed as I ran for her again this time getting held by Harry.
'Dan take her to yours and I'll keep Chloe here and calm her down also tell my parents that she's here and I will clean the house once I've sorted her out. Matt can you tell everyone parties finished' Harry said for the first time since I saw him, both boys nodded as I got dragged upstairs into Harry's room.
I hope everyone enjoys this part part 7 will be up soon, comment, Vote and whatever you can do :) also thank you for one thousand reads, it may not seem a lot but to me it is, thank you for reading it<3.

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