Part 3

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The boy next door
Part 3
I sat in my room trying to calm down slightly from what my dad had said, he annoyed me but I couldn't have an argument with him when guests were there. I had some low music on which consisted of Olly Murs's album. There was a faint knock as the door as I paused the music and said come in. The curly mop peaked through the door walking in admiring your room in ore.
'Woah you're room is beautiful' he said walked to stand by me
'Thanks' a sudden flush of flirtatiousness came over me and I wanted to make Harry fall for me and I'm sure that's what he wanted to do as well. His eyes met mine as I gave him a smile.
'So how comes you're up here all on your own then?' Harry asked sitting on my bed right next to me where our bodies were touching
'My father, he can be an idiot some times' I replied as I lent my head on Harry's shoulder
'All dads can, don't let it get to you, they won't like everyone you go out with but they might like a few, I mean they already like me' I let out a chuckle as Harry smirked at me
'Yeah but it doesn't matter if they like you you're not my boyfriend and you most probably won't ever be' I replied moving myself away from him
'Yeah yeah, Chloe I know you find me attractive and I find you extremely attractive so let's not pretended we don't, we're both single this could just be a little bit of fun nothing serious'
'Harry what sort of girl do you take me for? Little bits of fun like that always end badly Harry'
'Well I thought you wouldn't fall for me, you just want to break my heart so why would it end badly'
'Harry I said you weren't my type' I got off your bed as Harry immediately followed me standing infront of me blocking my way
'But tattoos are and I have a lot' he started to unbutton his shirt and I saw the two swallow tattoos on his chest. As he got lower his butterfly tattoo appeared and then he slide his shit off revealing the ones which covered his arms and shoulders. They made him look more attractive than he already was. His shirt went on my bed as he hands found my waist pulling me closer to him.
'Harry I'm not having a little bit of fun with you, I don't do them' I said rubbishy attempting to get from his hold but truth is I didn't want to
'Fine well let me prove that I can be the guy you want, get to know the real me an I know you will like it' his face was inches from mine all that was in my sight were his lips, I wanted to crash my own on them but I couldn't
'What happens if I say okay?' I asked as he brought me closer to him
'Then I will kiss you right now and take you on a date tomorrow, I saw how you looked at my lips, I know you want me to kiss you' I felt my cheeks burn up as I tried to hide myself in his chest
'Fine' I replied
'So you'll go on a date with me tomorrow?'
'Yeah I guess so'
'I'll return my deal then' he slowly leaned forward as he lightly kissed my lips. My body trembled at his touch as he kissed me again, my hands that were resting on his chest moved to his neck as I pulled his face closer to mine as I started to kiss him back. I felt him smile before he poked at my bottom lip with his tongue asking to enter which I accepted, his tongue explored my mouth and massaged my own tongue. We both pulled away as Harry rested his forehead on mine
'You're a really good kisser' he said trying to catch his breath back
'As are you' I leant my head up to kiss him again
'I could get used to this' he said as I hugged his torsos
'Yeah well don't I'm not like this a lot in a relationship of if I'm getting to know someone' he chuckled as he leant over picking up his shirt and putting it on always leaving one arm on my waist.
'Want to do my shirt up for me please?' He asked as I nodded leaning back to stand in his hold as I did up to buttons, every three buttons he would place a kiss on my forehead till I had finally done it.
'How about we go back downstairs and get some food, your dad ordered Chinese so it's probably here by now' Harry sad slightly unlacing his arms from around me
'Fine, but you have to sit with me so I don't have to talk to him' I replied as I took my phone from the side as walked to my bedroom door.
'Wait I think I need to put something in that' Harry said taking my phone from my hands and unlocking it and then typed something in. He handed it back to me as he smiled 'now let's go' his hand brushed against my but we both just walked and went downstairs to see everyone still in the garden with food, Harry and I helped ourselves and then sat down in the same seats as earlier having our own conversation whilst everyone else had there's.
It was time for Harry and his family to leave so we all said your goodbyes and gave them all a hug. Through our today you had seen a different side of Harry but only knowing him for a day how could you know what he was truthfully like.
Harry hugged me tightly as he said goodbye and followed his family out. It was 11 o'clock so all of my family and myself decided to go to bed. I walked into my bedroom and threw on some shorts and a big baggy top. Like most nights I went outside for a little bit to look at the stars, it calmed me down completely and made me feel sleepy. One star caught my eye as I stared at it just thinking however that was broken apart when I heard Harry's deep voice
'What are you doing out here Chlo?' I jumped slightly as I turned around seeing him on his balcony.
'Just looking at the stars, what about you?'
'I like to get some fresh air before I go to sleep'
'Ah okay, well I'll leave you to enjoy your fresh air, good night Harry' I opened the door to my balcony
'Good night Chloe I'll see you in the tomorrow for our date' he flashed me a cheesy grin as he went to walk in side
'See you tomorrow Harry'
Here's part 3! Comment guys!! Or vote I want to know what you guys think of this new imagine :) follow my twitter @__imagining1D x

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