Part 16

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Long Harry #imagine 

The boy next door 

Part 16

Niall's naked body was on top of mine, he reached over to the side tearing the condom packet to slide it on, he lined himself up with my entrance just about to go in but I couldn't get Harry off my mind, I couldn't hurt him like he had hurt me.

'Niall I can't do this' I chocked out as I tried to move from under him

'I know, I was waiting for you to say this, you lasted longer than I thought' Niall chuckled as he climbed off me pulling on his boxers.

'Im sorry Niall I shouldn't have used you like that' I sat up in the bed pulling the covers on Niall's bed over me to cover my naked body

'Its fine babe, I know you just wanted to comfort, I know you too well now Chlo, you always do this' he threw me my knickers and one of his shirts and came and sat next to me

'I just didn't think he would do that? I really really liked him and he almost had sex with her! I told him everything about why she hates me why I hate her and he still did it Niall, it's like I mean nothing I can't even keep down a relationship and I didn't even start' I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away before Niall could notice

'Chloe he's an idiot I'm sure he had his reasons just talk to him maybe let him explain everything, I know he really likes you Chloe the way he talks about you just proves it to us all, don't talk about yourself like that, look put your knickers on and my top and we can have a cuddle' I slipped my knickers and put the top over my head as I cuddled into Niall's open arms resting my head onto his chest. We both stayed quiet, he knew I was crying a little so he just held me tightly letting me wet his chest

20 minutes of tears and silence had pasted now all I wanted to do was go home and be by myself or with Dan

'Niall I think I'm going to get a taxi home, thanks for being here tonight, it means a lot' I gave him a smile a I climbed off his bed.

'I'll drive you, I haven't drunk anymore since you got here so I'm sober' he followed me off the bed putting on a pair of shorts and a top

'Are you sure Ni? I don't want to be a pain'

'Of course it's fine come on let's go' he took my hand in his leading me downstairs and out to his car.

Once we got in Niall pulled out of his drive driving me back to mine, my head was rested on the window, thinking about tonight, I had gone past the stage of anger which happened in front of Harry which made me tell him I would have sex with Niall, if he knew me at all he would know I wouldn't go through it but now he knows my past and well he will probably think I did, the fact he knew about my pass and was about to sleep with Stacey broke my heart, even if it was anyone else my reaction would have been similar but however it was her so I might have been too hard on him but right now I don't care

'Chloe we're here' Niall broke me out of my thoughts, his car had stopped I front of Harry's instead of mine as a car was in front of my house, I looked to see a few lights on in Harry's house and noticed Gemma's hair in their living room, quickly I looked away not wanting to feel like I need to go to his house and try and sort things out, he was the one who started this.

'Thank you for bringing me home Ni, I'm so sorry about tonight, I'll give you your top back as soon as I can' I leaned over to him giving him a kiss on the cheek

'Its fine babe, I'm always here when you need me, drop me a text if you need anything' I nodded stepping out of his car

'Bye Ni'

'Bye' I shut the door and made my way to the front of my house when the door flew open, me being greeted by Dan, his face was either full of anger or worry or both I generally wasn't sure.

'Why the fuck would you cheat on Harry Chloe!?' He semi shouted as I tried to make my way in the house, my mouth opened as I glanced up at him, completely speechless, how could my brother of all people say this,

'Are you going to fucking answer me?' He shouted again holding my arm tight but not tight enough to hurt so I couldn't move or walk away from him

'I didn't cheat on him! Where did you get this stupid idea from!?' I shouted back in the same tone and volume

'That's bullshit Chloe! You cheated on him with Niall! Why would you even do that? Did you not realise what you got yourself into last time, you were known as a slut all he's done is be nice to you and throw it back in his fucking face!' My mouth opened in shock that these words were leaving my own brothers mouth, all I wanted to do was have Dan hug me and tell me everything would be okay that Harry didn't mean anything by it an we could work it out but no noes he's calling me a slut and stick up for Harry.

'You're meant to be my brother Dan, yet you're saying all these things! I didn't have sex with Niall, I was going to to get back at Harry but I couldn't go through with it because unlike Harry I care about the people I love I don't just fuck anything with a pulse!' I could feel the lump in my throat but I tired to swallow it back down, I couldn't let myself cry in front of Dan when he was this angry it just wouldn't work.

'Exactly you were going to sleep with him! You're acting like such a whore! You had such a nice guy there for you and now you've lost him because of your stupid drinking!'

'All you fucking heard in that sentence was have sex with Niall wasn't it! Not that it was to get back at Harry but I couldn't go through with it! Harry was about to have sex with Stacey what do you expect me to do! You of all people know how much I hate that girl and now your covering up for Harry! Family comes first Dan but you clearly don't understand that so fuck yourself and don't talk to me ever again after all I'm a whore right' I pushed passed him walking upstairs to me room, the tears were now evident in my eyes, I couldn't even attempt to hold them back, this night couldn't get any worse, all I wanted to do was escape for it but considering Harry's my neighbour and Dan's my brother I don't think that would work somehow.

'Chloe I-' Dan's voice was behind me as I approached my room ready to go in it

'Dan don't, save whatever you have to say because I really don't care! Tonight has been bad enough and I don't need you to make it worse that I already is okay so bye' I shut my door in his face as my mouth tried to muffle out sobs, I decided I needed some air and to calm down a little so I went outside and sat on my balcony just watching the stars and seeing which one was the brightest.

20 minutes I had been out here now my years were still present, everything right now hurt, my head, my muscles and most of all my heart it was broken once again. I thought I could trust again, let my walls down and for them to be kept down letting that one person in, but that one person hurt me just as much as the person who did who caused me not too trust. All I wanted was a simple relationship, no one else being involved but of course that doesn't happen, everyone is out to ruin it.

'Chloe I'm sorry' a raspy quiet voice echoed behind me

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