Part 18

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I watched the guy's face drop, I hadn't once ever heard this tone in Harry's voice he always seemed so calm and kind but right now the anger in his voice was so strong it made him even more attractive than usual

"Harry leave it" Gemma said attempting to calm Harry down

"I'm sorry mate, she's just really pretty and I didn't think you looked like a couple" Craig replied all his confident practically gone

"There's no need to worry mate, they're not together, if you go down there and take there orders, I'll take the steak, Gemma what do you want?" Dan spoke up as the guy nodded

"I'll have the chicken and chorizo pasta bake"

"Me too and he will have the classic burger please but with no tomatoes please" I told him both mine and Harry's order knowing was what he would have ordered. Without replying the waitor went down to the adults side

"Dan why would you say they aren't together, that guy was clearly trying to hit on your sister when they're basically in a relationship?" Gemma slightly shouted towards Dan but kept it kind of quiet

"Well maybe if he hadn't of had sex with someone else they would be together but he did so why can't someone else talk to her" Dan replied as Gemma's head shot towards Harry

"You did what?" She shouted causing the whole table to look down

"I didn't do it" Harry replied as I started to find my lap very interesting

"Then what happened Harry! you always do this! you find a girl that really likes you and you can't just admit you like her and you have to fuck it up! You make it so hard to be happy for you Harry!" Gemma's voice was raised, Anne tried to calm her down by calling her named.

"I've admitted I like her Gemma I like her a lot you all know that! The girl tricked me and told me a lie so I acted without thinking until Chloe stopped it"

"So she even caught you about to do that Harry! You wouldn't have told her either would you? Do you regret what you did?"

"Of course I do Gemma! I'm not an idiot I know what I've lost"

All the shouting and reminder of last night was getting to me, knowing I would probably burst out into tears I stood up from my seat going outside to get some fresh air and hopefully not let anyone see me cry again. The wind blew through my hair as a tear ran down my cheek. How did we manage from being so close to this it was horrible.

"Chloe please wait" his voice echoed through the empty car park

"What Harry? What can you possible say now?" even though I didn't turn round I'm sure he could tell I was crying, I sounded weak

"Just look at me please, I want you to know how sorry I am" I felt his hand take hold of my wrist tugging me round so I was facing him. "I really hate seeing you like this"

"But you're the reason for it Harry! Do you know what even when Aiden did this it didn't even hurt this much, this is so much worse than it ever was Harry, I liked you so much and you just ruin everything we had" my voice was shaky as I tried to hold back the sobs, it was no use to try and hold back the tears anymore because he knew what he had caused

"I know I ruined it Chloe and I'm so sorry for that but if I could take it back I would in a heart beat I never meant to hurt you" he held on to both of my hands as his eyes didn't leave mine

"Harry please don't lie I heard what you said to your mum and Robin you knew we were becoming more than a little bit of fun and you didn't want it, you didn't want me, you might never have meant to have sex with Stacey or almost do it but you were going to hurt me either way I just wish it wasn't like this" at the end of the sentence I had to try and chock out my words because of the sobs I was holding in

"I thought I didn't want a relationship with you Chloe but now I realise how wrong I was, you're the only girl I'd dream of one for. I've passed the idea of not thinking I can't do a relationship I just needed the right person and I've found that person, you and I both know how good we would be together just please please give me a chance be my girlfriend and I'll show you how much I really do care" his eyes held a faint gloss which made me not want to look into his eyes, all he wanted was forgiveness but I couldn't give it to him just yet, if he hasn't realised the consequences to his actions then how will he know not to do it again

"Harry I can't give you that change right now, I need you to know how much it hurts, if I took you back and became your girlfriend after all this you won't realise what you've done until you do it again"

"How long do you need Chloe?"

"However long it takes for you to prove you care about me" He nodded his head as he pulled me in by his hands wrapping his arms around my top half, his chin rested on the top of my head as he swayed us slightly from side to side.

"I'm sorry" he whispered almost like instinct pressing a kiss on the top of my head, my tears seemed to stop as he carried on swaying us, his presence made me feel safe and wanted even if right now the situation was far from it, I knew he wanted me but all I wanted was to him to show me that, just asking me to be his girlfriend isn't enough after what he did, all the little things he did before this whole issue like the movie marathons, the little walks along the path he took me for our first real date, the cooked meals everything, how when we were together or out he would hold my hand or have an arm around me to show people I was 'his' made me know how much he liked me but now this all ruined it, it's horrible how one little thing can ruin something so perfect at the time.

"I guess we should go back in I reckon our foods here now" Harry spoke as he pulled away from our hug, he offered me his hand but I shook my head looking up at him with his sad eyes I could see my rejecting that offer that I would accept without hesitation usually made him realise just how bad things were, we walked into the restaurant with a gap between us just as the food was being brought to our table, the seats Harry and I were sitting were still there so we slid into them no one muttering a word to us as they were in the own conversations with one another.

"Thank you for ordering for me by the way" Harry said as his food was placed infront of him

"No problem, I guessed that's what you'd want and you looked to angry to talk"

"It's exactly what I was going to order and you remembered I don't like tomatoes. Yeah I think I was that guy shouldn't have flirted with what's mine" his fists clenched slightly at the memory of it

"Harry remember what I said out side prove it to me" I replied hoping he'd get the impression that I'm not his until he proves that

"Well if you would let me kiss you right now I would prove it to everyone you're mine" he smirked at me slightly completely changing his emotions from earlier

"Harry stop, you can't kiss me because I'm not yours" I heard him huff and then look away picking up his fork and stabbing it into a chip making a ding to echo on the plate, his jaw clenched and unclenched at the thought of me telling him that, his eyes didn't leave the plate now as a small silent sigh left my mouth as I went to eat my food.

A foot hit mine as I looked up seeing Cassie looking at me, I raised my eye brow at her, we had hardly spoke to each other after her kissing Harry if it was it was a groan in reply to a question but I guess if she was hear for the remainder of the year we should try and get along

'Are you alright?' She mouthed to me as I shrugged my shoulders subtly not to inform anyone on our encounter

'We'll talk' she replied as I nodded slightly confused as why she would even care, she never has before she would just laugh about me being hurt by a boy. Since she had actually kissed him she try's to make slight conversation with Dan and my mum, she doesn't seem to blame mum so much now for her parents break up it's like she's finally grown up although this was the first time she had ever spoken to me without being a complete bitch.

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