I I : M C C A R T N E Y

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"You! What are you doing here?" Cameron shot out from his seat, waving his arms around frantically.

"So, the cool guy completely lost his 'cool'," I smirked, crossing my arms. "What does it look like I'm doing, you boob, I'm introducing myself to our new teacher. Uhm, duh?"

"I don't think I can learn in this environment," he groaned, slumping down into his seat. People were looking at the two of us as if we had lost our mind.

"Well, thank you Kennedy, for your interesting introduction," Mr. Collins uncomfortably said, turning to the rest of the class. "Would anyone like to go next?" Of course nobody would, after my introduction.

"Why don't we get to know you instead, Mr. Collins? I mean, we've all been in at least one class together," a girl spoke out. I recognized the voice almost immediately, and tried to refrain myself from showing disgust. Unfortunately, I wasn't doing that great of a job.

"I mean after all, Kennedy did ruin your idea of ice breakers." Eleanor narrowed her eyes, pursing her lip gloss caked lips. God, what had Dakota seen in her? Mr. Collins saw the death glares we were exchanging, and cleared his throat.

"Uhm, ok. Well ask away." That was all it took for Eleanor and her posse to turn their attention away from me and to Mr. Collins.

"How old are you?" One girl cried out from the back, desperately. Pathethic.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Another shouted, her voice cracking at the end.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Eleanor asked, her eyes feigning innocence. Oh kill me, now. All these questions were not only intruding his privacy, but they were quite hilarious. Especially since they were all coming from Eleanor.

"Okay. You guys need to give time for him to answer those questions. He's not going to remember them all," I interrupted them, rolling my eyes. "You guys are so desperate, its not even funny."

"At least I don't parade around with a bunch of guys acting as if I were part of the band when I'm actually a groupie," Eleanor sneered, causing people to smirk and laugh. I kept my head held high, cause that's what my mum taught me to do if there were people taunting me.

"Ms. Prescott, keep those comments to yourself," Mr. Collins sighed, and shot me a grateful look. "Where shall I begin? I am currently 29 years old and have recently moved here from New York. Yes, the rumors are true," he stated once everyone had their attention on him. He forgot to answer the most important question of all. Whether or not he had a girlfriend. I mean, it didn't matter to me. I wasn't into that whole teacher and student relationship. No offense to anyone else.

"Why did you move down here?" Someone shouted out.

"I decided to take a short break from my directing in Broadway." He shot us a weary smile, before everyone began to chatter all at once again.

"Broadway? Why would you leave that for some place like this?" Stefanie asked, looking appalled. She was a drama geek, but really talented.

"New York City... I've always wanted to go there." Another whined, pouting. Then why don't you do us all a favor... and go, I thought as I rolled my eyes.

"All those hot city chicks, man. How could you leave them for these country hicks?" Question after question spilled out from everyone.

"Mr. Collins, sir. Which musical did you direct? And with whom?" Jeremy yelled the loudest of them all, almost blasting my ears dead.

"Sheesh, Jer. Learn to shut up more often," I muttered, putting my head down from all the shouting all around me.

"Well I performed at Carnegie Hall in New York last year," Cameron bragged, but was quickly unheard as the teacher held everyone's attention.

"Seems like no one gives two shits about you, Cam." I grinned widely, brushing the hair on my face away.

"Seems like nobody gives two shits about you, Cam," he mimicked, his voice getting shrill as he gave me the evil eye. I let out a laughter, throwing my head back. "Shut up, Freakenstein."

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