V I I : N O V O S E L I C

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{ Hey guys! I know updates are slow - but I swear I have good reasons. It's not that I don't have ideas for the story, because trust me - I have plenty. It's just that I don't have time to write. College applications, SAT's and other bullshit. I can't promise weekly updates, but I will most definitely update like as much as I can.

Sorry about the inconvenience, lovelies. }

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"Kennedy, no," Dakota firmly said, trying to pull me up from my knees. I pushed his arms away harshly, glaring up at Cameron.

"Cameron... I'm so sorry about everything," I said, gritting my teeth as Cameron smiled smugly at me.

"Sorry? For what?" he asked, shrugging like he didn't know the reason behind my apology. That little bitch. He kept feigning his 'innocence', raising my temper.

"I'm sorry," and I took a deep breath before going off on him. "For your bitchy ass attitude. I'm so sorry for your parents because they have to put up with a prick like you. That - but I'm super incredibly sorry for your mirror. Do you know why?" I asked, challenging him. The playful look on Cameron's face disappeared, replaced with a dark and hard look.

"Humor me," he said, acid dripping in his voice.

"Because it has to see your hideous face everyday, and it can't even look away. If I were one of the mirrors that you owned, I'd break myself." I looked at him with a smirk, the arrogant smile on his face completely gone.

"What? Are you serious? You're apologizing to me, for that?" Cameron fumed; the room was pin quiet, everyone concentrating on Cameron and me. "Are you fucking serious?"

"It seems that you haven't caught on and understood what I've been saying for the past minute or so. Do you really want me to repeat everything I've said, again?" I asked - faking innocence as I spoke to him.

"That wasn't part of the deal, Kennedy. This better be one of your sick jokes," Cameron dangerously spoke, gritting his teeth this time. I silently cursed, hoping those pearly whites of his would wear down and he'd have to get some fake teeth or something.

"Cameron, we never specified what we had to be sorry about. All you asked for was an apology and admit that you won last year's talent show. In fact, I'm going to admit it right now," I said, shrugging. My band mates gasped in disbelief. The Kennedy I was, would not allow myself to admit to anything. "I, Kennedy Carson Pax, admit that Cameron Parker did in fact win last year's talent show." Cameron's face brightened up - but I didn't allow that to last very long. "However, I do plan on winning this year. No ties - nothing like that. Just straight out - one winner." I turned to look at all my friends, who were smiling - goofy, confident, and determined.

"Kennedy, be serious," Cameron fumed, looking at us with total disgust.

"I totally am." Dakota offered me his hand, grinning at me widely as he did. I was glad our fight was shortly lived. I got up, and was face to face with Cameron. He was smiling eerily, which really should have scared me.

"I still won," Cameron said stubbornly.

"Yea... I guess you did. Do you want like a blue ribbon or something?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"You still have to do everything I ask."

"You mean, demand, right Parker?" Dakota spoke, glaring at Cameron. Cameron glowered at Dakota, turning away from me for a moment to face him.

"You're not being very pleasant. I think... I'm going to bring your girlfriend to that party everyone's going to tonight. You know how crazy those house party's get. Don't you, Dakota?" Cameron said, waving Dakota away. He turned to me once again with a smirk. "I'll pick you up at 7 sharp. Be ready and out by 6:45. I just hate waiting." With that, Cameron walked off the stage, leaving the auditorium and everyone stunned. Dakota's jaw was tense, his gaze intense.

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