V I : G R O H L

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"Thanks, dickwad. Now I have detention," I grumbled, as I shoved Cameron to the door to get to my next class. I heard him shout something after me, but I seriously didn't care about what he had to say anymore. The school year wasn't even halfway over, and I was already getting into fights and getting detention.

"Hey, Kennedy. Why do you look so upset, bub?" Dakota's voice chirped from behind me, a simple grin dancing on his face.

"I have detention after school. We may have to push back our.. uhm... 'date'," I air quoted the word date awkwardly, biting my lower lip.

"Don't worry K, I can wait." Dakota's lopsided grin formed on his face. I suddenly felt a surge of guilt wash over me; my bad habit of picking at my nail kicked in. Dakota noticed right away, and put a hand on my shoulder reassuringly. "Stop fretting. I had to go to tutoring anyway."

"Tutoring? For exactly what class, Mr. Perfect A's?" I teased him, an eyebrow shooting up.

"A class, and you also mean, Mr. Perfect Ass," Dakota winked, making me want to punch myself - repeatedly.

Hoping to get off the topic of his ass, I tried to throw him off guard. "So, where are we going? Am I underdressed or overdressed? Should I go home and change? What the hell, Dakota? You didn't even tell me where we were going!" I exclaimed, a frown forming on my face.

"It's a surprise, and you look fine," he replied, a dimple popping up as he grinned again.

"Just fine? I'd say perfect." I feigned looking appalled, jaw dropping slightly.

"Okay, Kennedy. That you are. You're perfect, but don't let that get to your head." Both of us began to giggle, as we both headed our own way, waiting for the day to end.

The last period of the day went by quickly; time didn't bother to spare me at all. I wasn't looking forward to sitting in a room doing absolutely nothing. Guess I would just have to stare at the clock the whole time.

"Cheer up, Kenny. I heard Mrs. Hogan wasn't on detention duty today," Jeremy said, leading me down the hallway and towards the detention room. I scowled at him, making a gun from my hands and pretending to shoot him.

"When I get my hands on a gun, you're going to be the first one to go, Jer," I threatened, Jeremy tossing his head back as he laughed.

"We all know that's not true. The first one to go would be Cameron Parker - and you know it." He stopped right there, and his jaw dropped to the floor. "Mr. Collins taking over detention today. He's going to be the coolest detention teacher ever! I need to get detention - fast."

"You know, you have this insanely creepy obsession over that dude. Man crush much?" I teased, winking at Jeremy. He only scoffed, and pushed me into the room.

"Whatever. Have fun in detention!" Jeremy threw me a look that said he knew all. I stared after him confused, and I walked into the room when Mr. Collins welcomed me - yea, he welcomed me into detention. Who the hell did that? He sat me near the teacher's desk and then began spreading all the kids around the room. I hadn't even seen Cameron come into the room yet.

"Well, lucky for you rule-breakers, I'll be taking over detention today," Mr. Collins said, a smile forming on his face. God - I wanted to smack that smile straight off his face. What made him think we were lucky to be stuck in detention with him? Also, did he have to state the obvious? "I suppose I have to read over what this paper says now." He picked up a bright yellow paper, and began to read the usual 'guidelines' of how to survive detention. "... no sleeping, drinking, eating, spitballing the teacher. Wait what? Spitballing the teacher?" Mr. Collins looked up horrified, and just as he did, a wet wad of paper zoomed past him.

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