Chapter 7 - Flashback

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*Liz's dream* (Flashback)

My mom and dad got divorced when I was 15, two years ago. My dad used to be the bast daddy in the world. I remember that we always played in the backyard when I was 6. Sometimes catch and sometimes tea parties. He always bought me ice cream when I didn't feel good and he always told me I was the most beautiful daughter in the world, he even gave me a trophy and a t-shirt for it when I was eight. That's probably why I couldn't accept the fact the him and my mom got divorced but at the same time, I was kinda happy they did. You see my daddy used to be the best daddy in the world. Two years before they got divorced, my dad had another woman. My mom found out but they decided to keep the family going for me. My dad and his woman broke up after my mom found out, but after that, my dad drank alcohol and even though no one told me, I knew he did drugs. But the main reason my mom decided to get divorced was the fact that my dad became addicted to gambling, we almost lost our house cause of his addiction. I didn't understand this two years ago, I always thought he was the best daddy until... 

I was heartbroken when I found out they were divorced and when I found out it was my mom's decision, I got a little bit upset with her so one night, I decided to go to my dad's place, biggest mistake I ever did, but just like other mistakes, it taught me something. 

"Daddy? Daddy? Daddy! " I said banging on my dad's new flat.

" Elizabeth is that you?"

" Dad, yeah, can I enter? "

" Sure hold on "

My dad opened the door and I saw about 5 guys inside, playing cards, smoking, drinking.

" Um dad I was wondering, could I stay here for a while? me and mom aren't really in the best condition right now " I said

" Uh yeah sure, but I'm gonna have to call her, to let her know"

" Ok, but I don't want to speak with her for a while"

" I'll just tell your mom"

" Dad, why are all these people here? " I asked 

" They're just friends, we're just having fun. The bedrooms are upstairs, you stay in the room on the right while I stay in the one on left, the bathroom is beside your bedroom, just be comfortable. "

" Okay "

And with my bags, I went upstairs to my bedroom. I went on the bed and just listened to music till I fell asleep.

I could never forget the morning after that, I didn't even spend a day at my dad's flat.

" Elizabeth? Elizabeth! " my dad said banging on my door.

" Uh goodmorning daddy, what's up? " I replied

" I'm sorry darling, you have to go " he said

" What? I don't want to go back to mom's, I miss you dad "

" You're not gonna go back to your mom's don't worry "

" Then where am I going? "

" Is that your daughter " one man said 

" Yeah, she'll be with you in a second "

" What's happening dad? who is he?! and why the heck did you just say I'll be with him?! "

" Sorry hun, I lost you "


" You have to go now, sorry " 

" NO! what is happening?! "

" Okay listen elizabeth, I lost you ok? I lost you... I gambled you "

" You did what?! how could you do that to your own daughter? WHO ARE YOU" i said shocked

I pushed him to the side and I ran. How could my dad do that to me?! how could a dad gamble his own daughter?! I heard a car pull up. My dad was with the man, the man he gambled me to. I ran as far as I could but I was confused, I didn't know what to do so they caught up.

"C'mon Liz, hun... You have to go." my dad said.

" How can you even say that Dad?! HOW?! "

I tried my best to get free, but both of them were strong. Two grown ups against a fifteen year old girl, I was helpless. As they tied me up and drag me in to the car, I thought that was it. I have a broken family and I was gambled away by my own dad, my miserable life.

That's when Harry came, that's when the Harry saved me for the first time.

" Excuse me sir, but I don't think it's right to drag a girl like that " Harry said to the man

" He's my daughter, stay out of this " my dad said 

Harry smiled and in his raspy voice he said " I don't care even if she's your mom, it's not right to treat her like that"

" Stay out of this, son" my dad said

" Let. her. go. " Harry said pinning my dad and the man by his stares

" Make us " the man said

Harry threw a punch as I watched inside the car, tied up. He punched and kicked them. Blood was everywhere. I don't know how he did it but he managed to take down two grown ups. Harry went to the car, I was scared at first. He opened the passenger's door, the one I was in and checked on me, back then I didn't know who he was so there was fear inside of me. He closed the door and went to the driver's seat. The keys were still in it and he drove the car. After 10 mins. in the car, he asked me where I lived, if I had a mom. I directed him to my mom's place but I was still at the corner of the car, I didn't know who this boy was or what he wants, I just stared at Harry. 

" Was he really your dad " he asked me in his rough voice

" Yeah " I said softly

" I'm Harry, what's your name beautiful? "

" Liz " I said nervously

* End of dream * (End of Flashback)

I woke up in the middle of the night, catching my breath. 

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