Chapter 9 - Niall

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Liz's P.O.V.

After school, me and Niall worked on our project. We talked about everything, from food to relationships but I feel like I don't know him that well, I mean any person could say what they want about themselves right? But the problem with that is, your just explaining yourself in your own point of view, I wanna know Niall, I want to know the real Niall.

" Niall " I said while we sat down on the grass in the park.

" yeah? " he said in a soft voice

" What's the real you like? " i asked curiously

" Well, Im Niall, I love food " he said looking at me

" Yeah but what's the real you? "

" I'm part of the football team? "

" Deeper.. " i said

" Um, i dont know actually, football team is what built me" he said staring at the tree

" Built you? " 

" I used to be invisible back then, the kid no one knows and the bullies pick on" he said looking down

" Can we go to my house? i don't feel right discussing this in a public place" he said standing up and walking to the direction of his house without looking at me.

" Uh sure, i guess" I said following him

We didn't say a word during the walk, but I saw Niall's mind wondering off. He was looking down.

When we arrived at his house, he quckly directed me to go to his room.

" So what happened? " i finally said, breaking the silence

he took a deep breath

" Liz, i've never said this to anyone but, im dyslexic, people think it's easy.

My mom said it was easy. No one knew, no one cared. Do you know how it feels like to wake up everyday to go to school and no matter how hard you try... the words just jumble up. When everyday you go to school and everyone calls you dumb because you can't even read your own name, I was the dumbest kid in school, the dumbest kid " he stopped and smiled at me although i can see the tears in his eyes.

" Niall, im sorry " i said 

" It's okay, it's not your fault" he said looking away

I hugged him and wiped his tears.

" Niall, if you need someone to talk to im here ok? " i said letting him go from my hug

" You pitty me, you think im disabled or something right? " he said in a cold voice

" No, I just, I think you need someone to talk to " i replied

" Don't you understand Liz? talking to someone won't help! IM DUMB AND I ACCEPT THAT, WHAT I CANT ACCEPT IS THE FACT YOU PITTY ME! IM NOT DISABLED" he said shouting angrily

" maybe i should go " i said gathering my bag and walking out on the door, i didn't look back, i didn't know what to think.

Niall's P.O.V.

" Liz wait " i said in my mind when I saw her walk out the door, but the words didn't come out of my mouth "I'm sorry" i said softly to myself. 

What have I done? Liz is the only person I know cared and I let her walk out the door. She was the only person who bothered to know me and I pushed her away. 

" It's because of dyslexia" i said making a fist

" This wouldn't have happened if I wasnt dyslexic" i said punching my beg

I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to think, I like no I love Liz, but she's probably gone now.

I just sat in the corner of my bed, with an empty mind, "Im dumb" .

My phone rang.

" Hello?" i said

" Niall. " Liz said.

" I'm sorry Liz, i shouldn't have yelled at you"

" It's okay Niall, I understand "

" Well I'm glad you called "

" I'm glad i did too"

I guess the phone call was a little bit awkward but hey, atleast she called. I smiled just thinking about it.

Liz's P.O.V.

After I called Niall, I thought of the perfect thing to represent him. An eagle, he is fearless and courageous. Or I could just use Nandos, after all, it's his favourite. Or football actually, cause he says "it" is what built him... Guess I still can't decide. Good thing the project isn't due till next week.

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