Chapter 6 - Rollercoaster

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Liz's P.O.V.

It's finally the weekend, two days since I went to the park with Niall and three days since me and harry talked.

I woke up with the sunlight directly at my face. I must've forgot to close the curtains. I quickly took a shower and put on a tank top with shorts. I went to the kitchen, grabbed my breakfast and quickly went back to my room. I was planning on staying in my room for the whole day.

What's a better way to spend the saturday than listening to your favourite song and just staying on the computer stalking your favourite band. Ha, I guess my wierd side is showing now, but I dont care, everyone's wierd in their own way.

I spent 5 hours on the computer, I woke up around 10am and now it's 3pm, talk about the time running fast. I didn't even eat my lunch yet. I checked my phone, I thought Harry would've texted me by now, but I doubted it. You see, he was always busy on the weekends, that's why we only hangout on weekdays.

"Liz, someone's here for you!" I heard my mom yell.

Who would be here for me? it's Saturday. Niall maybe?

"Hey, beautiful." Harry said.

"Hazz!" I yelled, then ran to him and hugged him

" I missed you babe" he said then gave me a kiss on thee cheek

"well I'll leave you two alone" my mom said, leaving the living room.

" I missed you too babe, no bruise, no cuts, no wounds?.... what have you been up to?" I said crossing my arms

"A lot of things, they don't matter now, Im here with you" he said tickling me

We kissed for a while.

" I missed that the most" harry said hugging me tight

"So what's up? what do you want to do?" I asked

"Well since I cancelled on our picnic, how about we go to the amusement park? it'd be fun."

" Alright, let's go"

Me and Harry went to the amusement park in his car, black car.

" Want to ride the deathliest roller coaster? that's what it says, you can die from it ha" Harry said.

" You know Im scared of roller coasters" I said whispering

" Well I guess this is the day you face your fears. Don't worry,  I'll be there. I'll take care of everything" he said reassuring me then holding my hand

" Okay, it'd be fun, I guess" I said nervously

We went to the line up and waited for our turn. They just loaded the 12th batch of people on the roller coaster. It's our turn next.

I took a deep breath, I never went on a roller coaster before because I think they're unsafe, but with Harry with me, I know I'm safe.

I sat on the inner part while Harry sat on the outer. The roller coaster was divided in to two seats so Harry and I were beside each other. He held my hand and said "Don't be scared, just enjoy the ride". I managed to softly say "okay". 

The roller coaster started and I can feel my heart beating louder than ever. I manage to scream although I never closed my eyes. I can hear Harry laughing in amusement. The roller coaster turn, flipped and went on backwards, slow first then fast, super fast. I almost barfed, my breakfast was about to exit my stomache but I managed not to. When the ride was over, Harry assisted me down. He asked me if I was okay and I said yeah. I actually had fun in the roller coaster.

We had cotton candy/candy floss then went on with the games where you could win different stuff. Harry won me a Bunny stuff toy and we called it "Larry" (Liz + Harry) **Not Larry Stylinson ;) ** We continued with more rides till it was 10pm, we had to go home.

The drive home was fun. Harry kept telling me funny stories and we laughed all the way through. Harry dropped me off our front door and gave me a kiss.

"Goodnight babe" he said

"Goodnight to you too Haz" I replied

"Text me or call me if you need something, okay?" 

"Definitely" I said

Before he left, he gave me Larry and a rose. He told me I was still the most beautiful girl he has seen.

My mom was already sleeping so I just went straight to my bedroom. I changed to my pj's and layed on my bed. My phone vibrated.

"I hope you had fun today" Harry said on the text.

"It was the best, so far" I repied

"Liz, I love you" 

"I love you too Haz"

"Sleep tight and I hope you dream about me ;) " harry texted back

" I'm pretty sure I will <3 " I replied

" See ya later?" 

" Yup, go to sleep Harry! " 

" Ok, goodnight love"


And that was the end of my night. I was just happy to see Harry safe.

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