Chapter 2 - Detention

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"Wake up sleepy head" Harry said with a smirk. "Woah, how did you get into my room?" I said wondering. "Your mom let me in babe" he said then winked. Then I teasingly pushed him to the side. "So that's what I get for making you breakfast? a simple thank you would've been enough" he teased me back. "YOU MADE ME BREAKFAST?" I said surprised. In the year we have been dating, Harry never actually made me breakfast, he always said it wasn't his "thing" so why start now, I thought to myself."Well I just wanted to say sorry for yesterday, I should've never worried you." he said looking down. "Well you're not forgiven" I shot back at him "Till you give me a kiss" I added then played with his dimples. He kissed me on the cheek "There, and that's all your getting from me" he said then ran. We playfully chased each other in my room. "Gotcha" I said to him "Now give me another kiss" He kissed his hand and threw it in the air "Find my kiss now" he said teasing me. I was about to say something back to him when someone knocked on my door. "Hurry up guys, you're gonna be late" my mom said smiling. "Yes ma'am" Harry replied. 


 "Ms. Jacobs" my history teacher called me. "Yes Mr. Reynolds?" I answered him worriedly. "I didn't see you in class yesterday, were you sick? he asked me. "umm, no Mr. Reynolds, I - -I just had an emergency.." i said nervously. "Oh is that so Ms. Jacobs? well from what I understood, you shouldnt leave school premises without permission, what made you think you were exempted from this rule Ms. Jacobs?" he replied to me. "I.." i said then he cut me "Ms. Jacobs, you just earned yourself a detention" he continued. "OH MY GOSH A DETENTION like seriously? I have never been to detention." i thought to myself. "Now sit down Ms Jacobs and listen to our lesson" Mr. Reynolds said  then started the lesson.


"Hey Haz" I said to Harry as soon as I saw him in the hallway "Hey Beautiful" he said revealing his dimples. "Do you want to go to the movies after school" he said then smirked. "Awhhh, I'd love to Haz, it's just that I got detention" I said looking down "DETENTION? my princess got a detention, well that's the first, hopefully not the last" he said teasingly then winked. "It's because of you little man, I skipped school cause of that fight remember?" I shot back at him and crossed my arms. "Hmm, want me to skip my class right now so I could be in detention with you" he said holding my hand "No thank you Haz, I prefer for you to go study!" I said teasing him. "awhhh you don't want to be with me?" he said "fine, your wish is my command, I shall study after school" he added "I love when you do that" I said then hugged him "And I love it when you do that" he said hugging me back. The bell then rang and I had to say goodbye to my Haz and go to  Art class.

In art class, we have been partnered. We were suppose to make a project showing the personality of each other. It could be a painting, a poem, a scuplture, whetever artistic. I was partnered with a guy named Niall, I heard he was part of the Football team although, I didn't really see him yet, he's absent I guess. I listened to Ms. Johnson as she continued explaining. "Well atleast this isn't as boring as history" I told myself. After what seemed like ages, the bell finally rang.

I was on my way to the dismissal door when I remembered that I had detention. I then nervously went back to the hallway. I don't actually know how detention works, but there's a first time for everything right? I thought. I was carrying my books in which I had homework on, I thought I might just do homework in detention. Then BAM! the books scattered everywhere. "I'm so sorry" the guy who bumped in me said. "oh it's ok" i said shyly collecting the books on the floor then dashed to the room where detention was held without giving him a second look. "Better not be late for detention" I told myself.

Every step I took to detention felt like walking in the hunger games. "Gosh, these kids are agressive alright" I thought to myself. I sat on the last row in the last column and started doing my homework. The time should fly by quickly, I hoped. I was doing my homework in math when I heard a voice. "Hey guys come here, look, we have a new pal" the voice said. I certainly hoped they weren't talking about me. I looked up and realized they WERE talking about me. I furiously looked at the guy that seemed to be their leader. I thought if I did that, I would seem tough. He had black newly buzzed hair, dark eyes, tattoo everywhere and piercings on his nose, mouth and neck. "And isn't she feisty" the guy added as he played with my hair. "Hey back off" I told him "Or what will you do little girl?" he said making me feel small. "Hey, don't ever touch her" a raspy voice said "I'll kill you" the familiar voice added. As I looked at the direction the voice came from, I saw Harry, thank god he was there. "And who are you" the leader guy said "Her boyfriend" Harry said pinning him with his eyes "Back. off." Harry continued. "Make me" the leader guy said. And just like that they fought, everyone in the room  just watched and so did I, I didn't really know how to react, my protector saved me again. Harry was on top of him continuously punching the other guy and he was about to set out another punch when the teacher came in. "What is happening here?" the teacher said trying to stop harry and the other guy. "BACK TO YOUR SEATS" the teacher said "OR I'LL HAVE TO CALL YOUR PARENTS" he continued. Harry stopped punching the guy and the guy quickly got up and walked over to his chair. Harry on the other hand, quickly walked over to the empty seat beside me. "You okay Liz?" he asked worriedly "Um yeah, thanks haz, for being here" I said and smiled at him "I'll always be here for you babe, I'll always protect you" he said then winked. He grabbed his backpack and asked me to tutor him. Harry didnt really like studying, but me telling him to study must've really got into his head. I just love this idiot. 

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